S'auessa fòrça dies liures es prumers serien entà alendar un shinhau e baishar es polsacions e tà premanir eth long viatge qu'haria.
Haria un long viatge entà bèth país d'aguesti on non se pot anar damb presses: so pensant en Nepal. En aguest país s'a de besonh fòrça dies entà poder hèr es longs trekkings a pè, e auer suficent temps entà coordinar transports, activitats e visites pr'amor que toti es tràmits son lents, atau coma es transports, e eth país ei molt gran.
#vacances #ena lista #futur
[遊戯王][エロ画像]ブラック・マジシャン・ガールに口内発射したよ~♪ #遊戯王 #Dark Magician Girl #Ena #YU-GI-OH! #エロ画像 #ブラック・マジシャン・ガール
#ブラック・マジシャン・ガール #エロ画像 #yu #ena #dark #遊戯王
It is with the deepest sadness that I have learnt of the death, aged just sixty-five, of M Jean-Philippe Cotis, who was at the head of the Forecasting Directorate when I passed out from #ENA. Unusually for a French civil servant, he combined intellectual brilliance with… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1672445515290628096
"**Assessing the degradation of environmental DNA and RNA based on genomic origin in a metabarcoding context"**
#eDNA #erna #ena #Metabarcoding #decayrates
Deeply saddened to learn that M Bernard Pignerol, who was at #ENA with me, died on Sunday morning. We were well apart politically, but he was a courteous and learned man. May he rest in peace.
Speaking of ENA, here are some typography designs. I should clarify that these are based on an inside joke of mine.
All three designs are available here: LexiconT.redbubble.com
#ENA #ENAJoelG #Redbubble
Super excited for ENA: Dream BBQ's impending release, so I've made a YCH of your character turning into the mysterious clown character!
For now I will only take 3 slots for $50 each, the finalized piece will have clean lineart and airbrush shading.
If more than 3 people want this specific YCH, I will open a waiting list.
Slot 1: Open
Slot 2: Open
Slot 3: Open
#DreamBBQ #ENA #ENADreamBBQ #furry #furryart #hypno #hypnosis #transformation #YCH
#DreamBBQ #ena #enadreambbq #furry #furryart #hypno #hypnosis #transformation #ych
Did you know that the CorgiBeans life jacket fits the Ena plush?
#CorgiBeans #ENA #ENAJoelG
via @rmwaterhouse and it's annoying that resources such as #EBI #ENA are still only on blue bird site but not here.
(引用)오늘저녁 본방사수 잊지 않았죠?
ENA '혜미리예채파'✨
매주 일요일 저녁 7시 50분
ENA채널에서 가장 먼저 만나보세요
#ENA #혜미리예채파 #혜리 #미연 #리정 #예나 #최예나 #채원 #김채원 #파트리샤 #아이들 #GIDLE #르세라핌 #hyeri #miyeon #leejung #yena #kimchaewon #patricia
#patricia #kimchaewon #yena #LeeJung #miyeon #hyeri #르세라핌 #gidle #아이들 #파트리샤 #김채원 #채원 #최예나 #예나 #리정 #미연 #혜리 #혜미리예채파 #ena
It's Ulysses time!
Psst, there's another version on my alt :ms_eyes:
(Artwork © theresliterallysoapeverywhere on Fur Affinity)
Happy ENA day
#ENADay #ENAfanart #enadreambbq #ENA
#ena #enadreambbq #Enafanart #enaday