Enabla · @enabla
16 followers · 39 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Ready to explore the intriguing realm of three-dimensional magnetism? Join another MPI-PKS lecture and discuss it online with Dr. Claire Donnelly, MPI-CPfS, and others, at enabla.com/set/92/pub/623/abou 🧲

The talk features cutting-edge experimental investigations and provides a comprehensive overview of novel techniques in imaging and fabricating nanoscale 3D magnetic systems. You'll gain insights from exciting scientific results made possible by these recent advances. Perfect for researchers and learners interested in experimental physics and nanotechnology!

All lectures are and . Please support us by liking, reposting, following, commenting on this post, and engaging in discussions on Enabla. Every action helps us bring quality education to all. Thank you!πŸ™

#phd #physics #stem #research #science #nanotechnology #magnetism #openaccess #free #enabla

Last updated 1 year ago

Enabla · @enabla
16 followers · 38 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Curious about quantum computing's real-world applications? Check out the MPI-PKS talk by Prof.Smith from the University of Nottingham, and learn with hands-on examples using the IBM Cloud quantum computers and @qiskit python libraryπŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

πŸ”— enabla.com/set/92/pub/642/abou

The lecture covers the basics of quantum mechanics necessary to understand quantum circuits and explores two applications in many-body physics: finding ground states and simulating non-equilibrium dynamics. Perfect for beginners and experts alike. Don't miss out!

All lectures are and . If you like what we're doing, please support us by liking, sharing, following this account, leaving some comments under this post & asking questions on Enabla. Any of these actions help us a lot; thank you!πŸ™

#manybodyphysics #nisq #quantumcircuits #qiskit #IBMQuantum #quantumcomputing #openaccess #free #enabla

Last updated 1 year ago

Enabla · @enabla
15 followers · 35 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Gravity is much weaker than electromagnetism but still essential to consider in condensed matter physics; but why?πŸ€”

Learn about Luttinger's argument and discuss the gravitational bulk-boundary correspondence online at enabla.com/pub/1115/about πŸ“œπŸŽ₯

Revise the conformal and gravitational anomalies and explore the interplay between gravity and electromagnetism in the quantum Hall effect⚑️

All Enabla lectures are and . If you like what we're doing, please support us by reposting, following this account, leaving some comments under this post & asking questions on . Any of these actions help us a lot; thank you!πŸ™

#phd #physics #quantum #condensedmatter #gravity #QuantumFieldTheory #qft #enabla #openaccess #free

Last updated 2 years ago

Enabla · @enabla
13 followers · 33 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

The one-semester-long introductory course by Prof. Partha Mukhopadhyay has come to an end, and all the video lectures are now available at enabla.com/set/173 πŸŽ₯

Follow the insightful approach inspired by Dirac & Feynman and discover path integrals, world-line theory, Feynman diagrams, renormalization techniques, and more!πŸ”₯

Don't miss the unique opportunity to learn from experts: ask Prof. Partha Mukhopadhyay your questions here or on via in-time threads, and enhance your understanding of the crucial theoretical concepts of the 😎

All Enabla lectures are . Please support us by sharing this post, following our account & asking questions on Enabla. Thank you!πŸ™

#openaccess #QuantumFieldTheory #physics #enabla #free #qft

Last updated 2 years ago

Enabla · @enabla
11 followers · 28 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

🌌 New Lecture! πŸ’« Discover , learn about the II experiment & more from the @DESYnews lecture at enabla.com/pub/686/about πŸŽ₯

πŸ—£ Don't be shy; ask your questions on Enabla and get answers from the lecturers themselves! Let's learn together!🀩

What is dark matter, and what are some current methods scientists are using to detect it? In this lecture, we explore the topic of this elusive substance that makes up approximately 85% of the matter in the universe. We discuss the evidence for the existence of dark matter, including gravitational lensing and the stability of galaxies, as well as the challenges in detecting it due to its lack of interaction with ordinary matter. We then focus on a particular candidate for dark matter called axions and describe an experiment aimed at detecting them using high-power lasers and strong magnets cooled to extremely low temperatures. The ALPS II experiment will significantly improve the sensitivity to a possible axion signal and could therefore provide crucial insight into the nature of dark matter. We also briefly discuss other methods for detecting dark matter, such as observing astrophysical processes. Finally, we consider the implications of dark matter for our understanding of the universe and the future directions of research in this exciting field. The lecture was given during the DESY Ukraine Winter School in February 2023.

All Enabla lectures are & . Please support us by sharing this post, following our account & asking questions on . Thank you!πŸ™

#iaxo #cosmology #gravitationallensing #particlephysics #hep #highenergyphysics #standardmodel #astrophysics #physics #enabla #free #openaccess #alps #axions #darkmatter

Last updated 2 years ago

Enabla · @enabla
5 followers · 8 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

As you may have guessed from yesterday's posts, is now publishing lectures from schools, particularly from the on the of Open & Systems

All lectures are available in at enabla.com/set/145; watch the videos, read the notes, and start ; lecturers are waiting for your questions!

What are the context discussions? Follow us now not to miss the posts on Enabla featuresπŸ”₯

#openscience #contextdiscussions #openaccess #condensedmatter #quantum #classical #dynamics #WinterSchool #nordita #phd #enabla

Last updated 2 years ago

Enabla · @enabla
3 followers · 5 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Another on !πŸ”₯ Discover how to manipulate quantum materials intrinsic geometry with in a pedagogical series by Dominik Juraschek from the

Explore and discuss the harmonic phonon theory, excitation mechanisms, and at enabla.com/set/162. Don't be shy: ask your questions to Dominik or other students and study better through interactions!🀩

#openeducation #materialscience #quantummaterials #physics #phononics #nonlinear #telavivuniversity #phonons #optical #enabla #course #openaccess

Last updated 2 years ago