꧁~MärchenCea~꧂ · @alcea
46 followers · 3440 posts · Server pb.todon.de

Re gfx like it's 1999 !11

(They don't stick tho. )

#enabling #nonsensealcea

Last updated 1 year ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1709 followers · 26304 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

@rowenamonde More folks need to about online abuses & stop that lower level, equally shit.

#learn #sealioning #enabling #dangerous #racist

Last updated 1 year ago

Basically the layer two has made it easy to spend money when a person really wants to spend, without transaction fees and mining. But perhaps 's greatest achievement is solving without . (see our past writings re for example if memory serves)

Its highly, highly . We'd say its 'enabling' quality has *accelerated* , and online attacks on infrastructure, all in hopes of quashing an advancement in progress.

#lightningnetwork #ln #communication #spam #sphinxchat #enabling #militarism #banking

Last updated 1 year ago

Basically the layer two has made it easy to spend money when a person really wants to spend, without transaction fees and mining. But perhaps 's greatest achievement is solving without . (see our past writings re for example if memory serves)

Its highly, highly . We'd say its 'enabling' quality has *accelerated* , and online attacks on infrastructure, all in hopes of quashing an advancement in progress.

#lightningnetwork #ln #communication #spam #sphinxchat #enabling #militarism #banking

Last updated 1 year ago

Shell Sheddy · @ShellSheddy
402 followers · 1235 posts · Server mstdn.social

@Tilopa so, you would have gone up to the Gestapo in Nazi Germany and said "Good Job" & tio Your Cap?
You think people that take on , , & are Wrong, Thorpa?
By , Thorpa....
You condone

#abuse #abusers #enabling #domesticterrorists #bigotry #Racism #sexism

Last updated 1 year ago

Kai Klostermann · @odddev
193 followers · 790 posts · Server hachyderm.io
Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
19 followers · 82 posts · Server lor.sh

” “Why do you hate me?!?!”

Translation: “Why are you holding me ?! Why aren’t you me!? Why aren’t you letting me weasel out of for my shitty behavior?! Why aren’t you accepting my usual meaningless non-apologies and platitudes and hitting the reset button on the ?!?!”i

Frequently, this manipulation tactic is punctuated with a “You’re just so mean!!!” or “I wish I were dead!! I should just kill myself!!!” Followed by the , or running from the room, the slamming of doors and loud theatrical sobbing.


What’s the objective of this particular melodrama?

To yet again evade personal responsibility, and to manipulate you into apologizing to and comfort your abuser. It’s pretty perverse. It also hits your buttons – fear, obligation and guilt.

Fear that she or he might actually harm themselves. Fear that they’ll wake the kids or that a concerned neighbor will call the police. Guilt if they actually were to hurt themselves (they likely won’t). Obligation to take care of someone who APPEARS to be hurting. They’re not. They’re angry and frustrated that they’re losing control and that their usual manipulation tactics are no longer working.

Have you ever experienced a version of this?

#narcissistdictionary #accountable #enabling #consequences #abusecycle #narcissist #histrionic #borderline #fog #abusehasnogender #bpd #npd #hpd

Last updated 1 year ago

WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
42 followers · 430 posts · Server zirk.us

A quotation from King, Martin Luther:

If you have the privilege of a fine education, well, you have it because somebody made it possible. If you have the privilege to gain wealth and a bit of the world’s goods, well, you have it because somebody made it possible. So don’t boast, don’t be arrogant.

Full quote, sourcing, notes:

#quote #quotes #quotation #advantage #arrogance #ego #enabling #pride #privilege #support

Last updated 1 year ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
595 followers · 152 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

I've been learning a lot about lately because of the fact that my last was a .

I've also been well aware of how extensively I was used as a and as a . My abuser would and me into attacking other folks that I had no issue with because they were hurt by the (either today or 20 years ago) and deserved some sort of .

Today I finally found some into my role as a self-serving , a person who enables others' narcissistic because, although I too was being (and pretty fucking badly), I received some benefit from the relationship with the narcissist that led me not only to stay but also to throw others under the bus in order to maintain that . All because of that perceived benefit.

I'd say "I feel attacked," but I'm taking this pretty seriously because it's a pattern I replayed with my mother earlier in life, enabling her grandiose narcissism by attacking the people who "hurt" her.

What benefit, then, was so important that I was willing to sell my soul for it? My abuser gave me a lot of during a time when I felt incredibly . My abuser also curated and eagerly moderated my relationships with their and . And when I didn't or couldn't behave by their standards, they pulled away, often taking their friends and family with them and me in a state where I didn't really have the left (due to the ) to build any relationships away from them.

My abuser used this power to great effect once I decided I was no longer tolerating or their behavior, cutting me off from everyone I'd known and cared about and about their abuse of me, claiming instead that I was the abuser and they the (they've had a long-standing pattern of by practically everyone in their life, whether or not these people were actually ).

It took a very, very long time to rid myself of the now- belief that I was to for everything that had happened to me, and I couldn't have done it without my friends and the that treated me.

Having been responsible for hurting so many others because of my fear of losing all of the social connections and relationships that my abuser moderated sucks to know. I've apologized to some of the folks I hurt in my enabling of my abusers narcissistic abuse of others, but there's many more who I'll never get the chance to apologize to. And these folks have the absolute right to not want me in their lives ever again. Enablers are awful people sometimes, and I was pretty fucking awful when my abuser demanded it. I can with myself, but none of this excuses me, and I am owed nothing by those I've hurt for my own benefit within a toxic relationship.

I don't know when, if ever, I'll be able to wholly myself either. Maybe one day, but only by keeping the energy I have now and continuing to as the person I've decided to be going forward, during this novel (for me) absence of narcissists in my life. And by making amends by raising up and serving those around me now to the best of my ability.

is a long, painful road, and it's hard to imagine what its end may look like. Maybe it never reaches one. I can live with that.

#narcissism #abuser #covert #narcissist #bulldog #SledgeHammer #gaslight #guilt #target #punishment #insight #enabler #abuse #abused #toxic #relationship #attention #alone #friends #family #isolating #spoons #enabling #lying #victim #victimization #abusive #internalized #blame #mental #health #professionals #empathize #forgive #grow #healing #joan #psychology

Last updated 1 year ago

Hal9000 :firefox: :linux: · @halnovemila
215 followers · 49 posts · Server mastodon.uno

: , , and
Ubuntu workspaces let you dabble with multiple while keeping things organized. Here's all you need to know.


#ubuntu #workspaces #enabling #Creating #switching #windows

Last updated 1 year ago

WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
35 followers · 356 posts · Server zirk.us

A quotation from Grafton, Sue:

You can’t save others from themselves because those who make a perpetual muddle of their lives don’t appreciate your interfering with the drama they’ve created. They want your poor-sweet-baby sympathy, but they don’t want to change. This is a truth I never seem to learn.

Full quote, sourcing, notes:


#quote #quotes #quotation #Change #enabling #helping #other #rescue #saving #self #sympathy

Last updated 1 year ago

PJ Coffey · @Homebrewandhacking
867 followers · 6409 posts · Server mastodon.ie



Ah! But when we are faced with a choice we can really only do one thing.

Fly a plane 20%
Code better 18%
Buy a fancy hat 18%
Ride a horse 18%
Write a song 18%
Do chores 8%

Then flying a plane gets lumped in our head versus the 80% of everything else we could be doing. 😀 When, really, it's our best option. 😀


Last updated 1 year ago

I confess to feeling a need to if someone expresses an issue with something I write.

I find it infinitely more personally to edit or remove a post which has got up someone's nose rather than contact the mods on my instance and say please explain its removal.

I put a link to a in running in a post the other day seeking support for my mental health managing work with only to them find some random woman had reported it as spam. I hope she's blocked me now because as interesting as her stuff was, I'm better off without people who see the entirety of as their place to express their views of the issue of the day and occasionally post something of her own, but very rarely.

Worst part was her predilection for shit from no matter how many times people say not to. I'm starting to block anyone doing that.

#apologise #enabling #gofundme #macropods #mastodon #reposting #twatter

Last updated 1 year ago

The Chantelier · @chantelier
20 followers · 39 posts · Server writing.exchange

@AimeeHill if it's assigned to future projects, then you'll need to invest in some more, clearly. You need a buffer. For safety. *cough*.


Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Green · @shannongreen
15 followers · 149 posts · Server universeodon.com

People's are particularly getting in the way today 😅 I'm not perfect about my not getting in the way- but when it's not in the way, it's a lot easier to see everyone else's and how it's affecting my life....

Trying my best to hold space for where needed without perpetual

#projections #projection #compassion #love #light #healing #enabling #toxic #behavior #5d #life #wisdom #letitbe

Last updated 2 years ago

myrmepropagandist · @futurebird
5382 followers · 7132 posts · Server sauropods.win

Pick one of the three pretty pens.

1. Sailor sparkling champaign cream-colored slim design pen with gold nib.
2. Sailor ivory pen with gold nib.
3. Etsy, custom-made silver and resin pen in cream and purple with steel nib.

I've wanted an off-white/cream pen for some time. Handmade pens can be amazing... or underwhelming, Sailor pens always seem to write perfectly, but are boring.

Most pens are just too huge and heavy!

#fountainpens #enabling #sailorpens

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
10 followers · 45 posts · Server lor.sh

Reading books written for “” when your partner
has a is like reading a how to build a birdhouse
manual in order to learn how to swim safely with sharks.

In other words, it's not going to help.

A relationship with a , , or Cluster B variety pack isn't dysfunctional and toxic due to the issues non-disordered people have in relationships. The problems aren't due to deficient . Nor is because you don't "speak their ." And it isn't because you're from Mars/Venus and they're from Uranus -- or whatever not take -- bullshit excuse they concoct.

It's because they have an un/diagnosed personality disorder. Their love language is Crazy. They lack the fundamental emotional and psychological capacity to have a healthy and reciprocal emotionally mature relationship built upon mutual respect and empathy.

Furthermore, being more empathic, patient and "loving them harder" isn't going to help you either. That advice results in more , and -- not more love.

Again, the real issues are the , , character pathology, which can't be fixed. And your , , , etc., which you can work on.

If you want to learn how to have healthier relationships, read about how to best protect yourself from emotionally manipulative liars/predators and how to address your codependency and family of origin issues because nothing else is going to work.

#relationship #normals #clusterb #personalitydisorder #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #communicationskills #loveLanguage #responsibility #blameshifting #darvo #enabling #codependence #traumabonding #npd #bpd #hpd #codependency #peoplepleasing #traumahealing #abusehasnogender #themoreyouknow

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
10 followers · 44 posts · Server lor.sh

Dating a wo/man who turns out to be a , , or
B variety pack is like a reverse Scooby Doo villain mask reveal. In other words, a mask of normalcy
hides the predator just beneath the surface of the fake persona. Ruh roh!

When the , , reveals their true nature, believe it. Don't rationalize, deny and make excuses for their atrocious behavior. That's called .

Emotionally and psychologically mature adults know the difference between right and wrong -- and not just how it applies to how they're treated by others. Grown-ups take personal / for their words and actions, don't play when they experience consequences. They also actually give a damn about how their choices affect others especially the people they love.

On a miscellaneous note, seeing Scooby Doo through the eyes of an adult I'm now convinced Scooby Snacks are edibles.

On an miscellaneous separate note, Scrappy Doo ruined Scooby Doo.

#narcissist #borderline #histrionic #cluster #lovebomb #bpd #npd #hpd #enabling #responsibility #accountability #victim #thatsnotnormal #abusehasnogender

Last updated 2 years ago

Nurse Mich · @NurseMich
306 followers · 234 posts · Server nerdculture.de

Orgs: We have zero tolerance on Workplace Violence

Also Orgs: Except that person, don’t pay them any mind, that’s how it is, they didn’t mean it, they won’t change, they’re so good at what they do, just be resilient

#workplace #leadership #responsibility #accountability #workplaceviolence #bullying #aggression #nursing #life #leaders #oppression #tolerance #enabling #behaviors #psychology #sociology

Last updated 2 years ago

Balsam · @Balsam
44 followers · 84 posts · Server toot.community

2 years 2 lessons

1 in a can affect one’s life far more than visible ones

2 There is a lot one can do with the right equipment environment & people/organisations who support

#internationaldayofpersonswithdisability #idpwd2022 #invisible #disabilities #spinalcordinjury #enabling

Last updated 2 years ago