We make #aesthetic #homepage and extensive #habit #trackers on #Notion !!!
We cram puerile #HashtagHumor into posts like there's no tomorrow!!!!
#hashtaghumor #Notion #trackers #habit #homepage #aesthetic #anxiety #enbys
I am hoping to step away from the screen and go earn some money today but since I just dropped a dig at #covidiots and #antivax loons I went ahead and closed my DMs to non-foll's ...those who are still #newbies here may consider this option if they are potential targets due to either (1) courageous posts or (2) membership in targeted groups. Which, to some degree, may include all women not to mention #enbys #trans folk and #POC. But this is just me sharing how I deal with trolls not 'advice'.
Disclaimer for #techbro #geeks
Yes I know this is very basic but it is in fact a foundational building block of #infosec for those #newtomastodon interested in #privacy and #informationsecurity
Please consider the #whalebird statement on meritocracy for a perspective on elitism & why we should speak in plain English 'for the rest of us'
#COVIDIOTS #antivax #newbies #enbys #trans #poc #techbro #geeks #infosec #newtomastodon #privacy #informationsecurity #whalebird
Hello, I'm a local double-gay bad-post-maker, trans mess and all around garbage dilettante. Very queer, very neurodivergent (AuDHD aspect), and Very Tired Of Your Shit. I have blocked entire instances for less than you think you can get away with.
Despite being trans, it may surprise you to know I am not a computer toucher; computers are terrible things. I probably know a lot more about marketing that you do which is arguably worse. I'm recovering though!
Other things: Fuck the state. I don't believe replacing one state with another will ever be a solution that lasts. Blah blah blah spare me your takes I don't care. Please don't bother quoting theory at me. I am not in support of current states or future ones. Fuck them. All this to say I loathe the rich, libertarians, and landlords.
Fuck the police. This is dreadfully obvious.
Fuck capitalism.
Things I like:
#drugs #coffee #music #art #crime #girls #enbys #boys #introduction