WRITER FUEL: The James Webb Space Telescope caught Saturn's icy moon Enceladus spraying a 'huge plume' of watery vapor far into space — and that plume may contain chemical ingredients for life.
#LimFic #LiminalFiction #WriterFuel #Writers #Authors #WritersofMastodon #StoryIdeas #Astronomy #Saturn #Enceladus
#limfic #liminalfiction #writerfuel #writers #authors #writersofmastodon #storyideas #astronomy #saturn #enceladus
WRITER FUEL: The James Webb Space Telescope caught Saturn's icy moon Enceladus spraying a 'huge plume' of watery vapor far into space — and that plume may contain chemical ingredients for life.
#LimFic #LiminalFiction #WriterFuel #Writers #Authors #WritersofMastodon #StoryIdeas #Astronomy #Saturn #Enceladus
#limfic #liminalfiction #writerfuel #writers #authors #writersofmastodon #storyideas #astronomy #saturn #enceladus
Webb legt eindelijk de heldere ringen van Saturnus vast
De Webb Space Telescope heeft een foto gemaakt van de planeet Saturnus en met deze foto is het album van de gasreuzen van ons zonnestelsel compleet.
#Webb #saturnus #ringen #NIRCam #gasreuzen #enceladus
Hackaday Links: June 25, 2023 - Is it really a dystopian future if the robots are radio-controlled? That’s what ca... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/25/hackaday-links-june-25-2023/ #spuriousemissions #hackadaycolumns #supercapacitor #hackadaylinks #amateurradio #telepresence #handytalkie #exobiology #phosphates #enceladus #singapore #contests #dystopia #cassini #robocop #surplus #slider #europa #uvk5
#uvk5 #europa #slider #surplus #robocop #cassini #dystopia #contests #singapore #enceladus #phosphates #exobiology #handytalkie #telepresence #amateurradio #hackadaylinks #supercapacitor #hackadaycolumns #spuriousemissions
"We have found abundant #phosphorus in #plume ice samples spraying out of the subsurface #ocean" – Christopher Glein of the #SouthwestResearchInstitute
#NASA finds key building block for life in #Enceladus, one of the icy moons of #Saturn.
🌎 https://phys.org/news/2023-06-nasa-key-block-life-moon.html
📔 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05987-9 Postberg et al. (2023)
📷 https://gfycat.com/everlastingimmediatefinch
#phosphorus #plume #ocean #southwestresearchinstitute #nasa #enceladus #saturn #astrobiology #cassini #sri
Cassini data reveals the presence of phosphorus in Enceladus’ ocean plumes
A team of scientists, using archival data from NASA’s now-retired Cassini mission, has discovered the… The post Cassini data reveals the presence of phosphorus in Enceladus’ ocean plumes appeared first on NASASpaceFlight.com .
#Featured #Other #Science #Astrobiology #Cassini #Enceladus #icy_moon #NASA #planetary_science #Saturn
#featured #other #science #astrobiology #cassini #enceladus #icy_moon #nasa #planetary_science #saturn
Confirmed: all of the required elements for life are on #Saturn’s moon #Enceladus. That doesn’t necessarily mean life exists there but , to the best of our knowledge, it could. #astrobiology
#astrobiology #enceladus #saturn
Phosphates Swim in the Ocean of Saturn's Moon Enceladus
Scientists detected phosphorous in an extraterrestrial ocean for the first time when they analyzed data from Saturn's moon Enceladus. The post Phosphates Swim in the Ocean of Saturn's Moon Enceladus appeared first on Sky & Telescope .
#Astronomy_&_Observing_News #Solar_System #Enceladus
#x27 #astronomy_ #solar_system #enceladus
#Saturn’s Moon #Enceladus Produces Rare Building Block For #Life
Fosfor, bouwsteen voor leven, gevonden op Enceladus
Fosfor is niet eerder gedetecteerd in oceanen buiten die van de Aarde en deze ontdekking is een veelbelovende stap voorwaarts in ons begrip van oceaanwerelden.
#water #saturnus #maan #leven #fosfor #enceladus #dna
As #Enceladus citizen number 4, I approve this message.
Ein internationales Forscherteam hat #Phosphor auf dem #Saturn-Mond #Enceladus nachgewiesen. Darunter ist Prof. Bernd Abel von der #UniLeipzig. Welche Rolle die #Chemie bei der Erforschung des #Weltall s spielt, erklärt er im Interview: https://www.uni-leipzig.de/newsdetail/artikel/mit-den-mitteln-der-chemie-auf-der-suche-nach-leben-im-weltall-2023-06-15 #Wissenschaftsjahr #UnserUniversum
#phosphor #saturn #enceladus #unileipzig #chemie #weltall #wissenschaftsjahr #unseruniversum
Phosphorous, crucial for life, found on Saturn's moon Enceladus - The Washington Post
"Saturn’s moon Enceladus has enticed scientists for years with its plumes fizzing their way up from an ocean beneath a thick crust of ice. Now there’s a new element to the story, literally: That cold, dark ocean appears to contain a form of phosphorus, an essential ingredient for life as we know it."
Key Building Block for Life Found at Saturn’s Moon Enceladus
Search over 1,500 astronomy and space news releases at www.stars-n-stuff.com/news-stories
#astronomy #space #science #news #stargazing #saturn #enceladus #life
Image: Own, via Night Cafe Studio
#astronomy #space #science #news #stargazing #saturn #enceladus #life
Check out this thread for some additional info. on the JWST data on Enceladus.
#Enceladus #JWST
Researchers using #NASAWebb recently discovered a plume jetting out from the south pole of Enceladus more than 20 times the size of the Saturn moon itself. This animation illustrates how the moon’s water plumes feed the planet’s torus.
Read on: https://webbtelescope.pub/3pscOo5
#Saturn #Enceladus #moon #space #astronomy #JWST #Webb
#NASAWebb #saturn #enceladus #moon #space #astronomy #jwst #Webb
#GoodMorningFriends! ☕ ☕ 💞 🐕 🐕 💞
Years ago, the Dude worked on the NASA Cassini mission, on a software development team focused on the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer.
Yesterday came a BIG new announcement - not from VIMS data, but wowza...
So today I'm congratulating the Dude for discovering extraterrestrial life (sorta, indirectly, maybe possibly)
#NASA #Cassini #Enceladus #science #extraterrestrialLifeIngredients
#goodmorningfriends #NASA #cassini #enceladus #science #extraterrestriallifeingredients
Detection of #phosphates originating from Enceladus’s ocean: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05987-9 -> NASA #Cassini Data Reveals Building Block for Life in #Enceladus’ Ocean: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/nasa-cassini-data-reveals-building-block-for-life-in-enceladus-ocean and https://www.swri.org/press-release/key-building-block-life-found-saturn-moon-enceladus and https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/nasa-cassini-data-reveals-building-block-for-life-in-enceladus-ocean
#enceladus #cassini #phosphates
An element essential to life discovered on one of Saturn’s moons, raising hopes of finding alien microbes
#astronomy #lifeorigin #ExtraterrestialLife #enceladus #chemistry #saturn
#astronomy #lifeorigin #extraterrestiallife #enceladus #chemistry #saturn