IT News · @itnewsbot
3595 followers · 269439 posts · Server

Enhance Your Enclosures With a Shadow Line - Some design techniques and concepts from the injection molding world apply very ni... -

#cad #enclosures #designtips #3dprinting #shadowlines #3dprinterhacks #injectionmolding

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1698 followers · 3564 posts · Server

Today in Labor History July 20, 1549: Kett's Rebellion against the enclosures began. Insurgents began destroying enclosures in Morley St. Botolph on July 6. When they attacked the estate of John Flowerdew, on July 20, he tried to bribe them into attacking the estate of Robert Kett, instead. However, the plan backfired when Kett joined the rebels and helped them to tear down his own fences. Their 3,500-strong peoples' army captured Norwich. They tried landowners en masse and established a Commonwealth on Mousehold Heath. The movement gained strength, with the army growing to 16,000. The authorities eventually quashed the rebellion. Overall, 3,000 rebels and 250 mercenaries of the state died in the battles. But Kett refused the King's pardon, arguing: "Kings are wont to pardon wicked persons, not innocent men. We have done nothing to deserve such a pardon. We have been guilty of no crime." In response, the authorities tortured and hanged Kett slowly over several days.

Numerous historical novels have portrayed Kett's rebellion: “Mistress Haselwode: A tale of the Reformation Oak” (1876), by Frederick H. Moore; “For Kett and Countryside” (1910), by F.C. Tansley; “The Great Oak” (1949), by Jack Lindsay; “A Rebellious Oak” (2012), by Margaret Callow and “Tombland” (2018), by C.J. Sansom.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #rebellion #uk #england #enclosures #uprising #historicalfiction #novel #book #fiction #author #writer

Last updated 1 year ago

myrmepropagandist · @futurebird
9529 followers · 17484 posts · Server

Listen friends I need your help. I'm deeply attracted to these various kinds of enclosures and have a deep need to buy them and instal LCD screens and big click-y knobs and such in them... but I don't know what the heck I want to build.

I'm in danger of just getting one and "figuring it out later" this is madness.

I gotta find the right project!

Maybe some kind of obscure calculator? , , ,

#electronics #projects #help #enclosures

Last updated 1 year ago

Freedom Press · @Freedom_Press
5828 followers · 788 posts · Server

Social media is dead, long live social media
“Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.”

#digitalcommons #elonmusk #enclosures #facebook #fediverse #mastodon #socialmedia #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
40 followers · 291 posts · Server

So, just if anyone happens on this post & is interested. Generally, most commonly, in Sydney, you get mostly Top End tropicals or desert dwellers in the hobby. Besides your Eastern Blueys (of which my Lola is one). So heating is the main concern. My other four are all of the first kind; two Central beardies, diurnal, who will cope well into 40s (but I honestly do not believe that is with pleasure) & two Antaresia, who are nocturnal, they've evolved to avoid the heat of central & Top End Oz.

During the three consecutive La Niña events it was the humidity that started to become an issue for me & I first began to research this. But the temperature now these events have passed is going to be of increasing concern. Even when there is the smallest heat source or none, enclosure temps are all in the 30s in this room. I came across this video from Coop's Reptiles:

Just another thing on my list of things I want to do in my constantly upgrading enclosures.

#australianreptiles #antaresia #pagonavitticeps #dragons #pythons #enclosures

Last updated 2 years ago

Whistling Treason · @WhistlingTreason
211 followers · 549 posts · Server

The Grey Wethers circles on Dartmoor, taken on a beautiful day in June 2021. I was backpacking across the moor with @dead.bicycles and @avonleighorchards in some serious heat. I'm glad a compromise has been fudged over the Dartmoor camping ban, but really we need proper access guaranteed in law, and a hugely increased right to roam. It's the 21st Century. England needs to ditch the feudal relics.

#BlackAndWhite #bnw #Landscape #LandscapePhotography #wildcamp #enclosures #righttoroam #dartmoor

Last updated 2 years ago

haq · @haq
35 followers · 443 posts · Server

@Llosgi Sorry to "well, actually", and it's a good poem, but... your version is adapted from a poem written by William Hutton in 1798:

"The crime is small, in man or woman,
Should they a goose steal from a common;
But what can plead that man's excuse
Who steals a common from a goose?"

#enclosures #inequality #socialhistory #workingclasshistory #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

Donald Roy · @djr
46 followers · 867 posts · Server


Too true - and an example of how subversive nursery rhymes were.

#enclosures #inequality

Last updated 2 years ago

Llosgi · @Llosgi
104 followers · 406 posts · Server

English Nursery Rhyme c. 1764

'They hang the man and flog the woman
that steal the goose from off the common,
but let the greater villain loose
that steals the common from the goose.

The law demands that we atone
when we take things we do not own,
but leaves the lords and ladies fine
Who take things that are yours and mine.'

#enclosures #inequality

Last updated 2 years ago

Whistling Treason · @WhistlingTreason
184 followers · 337 posts · Server
Polly Dolly · @pollydolly
49 followers · 989 posts · Server

@_davelee So what ? Wander and take photos you own one millionth of this country and the owners are taking the piss for not one but about five hundred years.


Last updated 2 years ago

Whistling Treason · @WhistlingTreason
184 followers · 337 posts · Server

This is England.
The bare earth washing away as run off, as wildlife flees the monocultured plough. Meanwhile the barbed wire stifles access, and protects the privileged. Guardians of the countryside my arse.

#acommontreasuryforall #enclosuresact #enclosures #landaccess #landrights #ukfarming #ukwalking #countryside #walking #FuckTheTories #righttoroam #barbedwire

Last updated 2 years ago

nathan oxley · @nathan_oxley
53 followers · 26 posts · Server

Extract from Tim Zocco’s comic on and

#enclosures #commons

Last updated 2 years ago

KAG / N4O · @kag_n4o
500 followers · 1839 posts · Server

al rogo. La caccia alle in Europa, le e l’ascesa del

Comprendere i processi alle streghe del sedicesimo e diciassettesimo secolo è fondamentale per comprendere l’ascesa del capitalismo, della famiglia e del potere della medicina, l’origine della moderna divisione tra generi e la nostra relazione con il corpo. L’enorme importanza e l’impatto del fenomeno della caccia alle streghe sono spesso trascurati non soltanto nella storiografia ufficiale ma anche negli ambienti radicali. Questa breve panoramica approfondisce le implicazioni economiche, sociali e ideologiche e le conseguenze del massacro di donne che ebbe luogo durante lo sviluppo del capitalismo e della scienza moderna.

versione lettura:
versione stampa:

#donne #streghe #enclosures #capitalismo

Last updated 4 years ago

Audrey Plessis :sunny: · @CapCdi
396 followers · 785 posts · Server
UjuBib · @UjuBib
347 followers · 4511 posts · Server


Quand transformer la connaissance en "marchandises fictives" a aussi des conséquences écologiques...



Last updated 6 years ago

Matt Cropp 🌲🌲 · @mattcropp
2099 followers · 7922 posts · Server

If (as opposed to other forms of mutuality) are understood to have emerged as institutions in response to the development of , the earliest known modern proto- are the of 18th century England.

As the forced many peasants off the land, they crowded into cities to work in the docks servicing the Atlantic trade. In these quick-growing and anonymous cities in an era before food safety regulation, merchants would routinely adulterate food to...

#cooperatives #capitalism #coops #antimills #enclosures

Last updated 7 years ago

Audrey Plessis :sunny: · @CapCdi
396 followers · 785 posts · Server
Calimaq · @Calimaq
1725 followers · 623 posts · Server

Le Luxembourg a voté une loi permettant l'appropriation des ressources spatiales : … Tout va bien

#enclosures #communs

Last updated 8 years ago