This is England, a monoculture guarded by barbed wire.
A nation divided, the last bastion of feudalism and cap-doffing serfdom, the Enclosures Acts, the destruction of the Commons, no right to roam, no stopping places, no access, no entry, not welcome here, no sanctuary.
Men of England, wherefore plough
For the lords who lay ye low?
#percybyssheshelley #enclosuresact #feudalism #fuckthetories #right2roam #righttoroam #blackandwhitephotography #bnw #bnwphoto #theclash #trespass #fujifilmxt20
#fujifilmxt20 #trespass #theclash #bnwphoto #bnw #blackandwhitephotography #righttoroam #right2roam #FuckTheTories #feudalism #enclosuresact #PercyByssheShelley
Stop the enclosures, land and freedom for all, access for all!
#Dartmoor #WildCamp #RightToRoam #MassTrespass #enclosuresact #enclosures #AlexanderDarwall
#alexanderdarwall #enclosures #enclosuresact #masstrespass #righttoroam #wildcamp #dartmoor
This is England.
The bare earth washing away as run off, as wildlife flees the monocultured plough. Meanwhile the barbed wire stifles access, and protects the privileged. Guardians of the countryside my arse.
#barbedwire #righttoroam #fuckthetories #walking #countryside #ukwalking #ukfarming #landrights #landaccess #enclosures #enclosuresact #acommontreasuryforall
#acommontreasuryforall #enclosuresact #enclosures #landaccess #landrights #ukfarming #ukwalking #countryside #walking #FuckTheTories #righttoroam #barbedwire