Ermittele, welches Teilchen am besten zu dir passt!
#physik #elementarteilchen #desy #unsinn #encoding #fehler #included
Explore FFmpeg From the Comfort of your Browser - If you’re looking to manipulate video, FFmpeg is one of the most powerful tools ou... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/27/explore-ffmpeg-from-the-comfort-of-your-browser/ #softwarehacks #compression #encoding #webbased #ffmpeg #codec #video
#video #codec #ffmpeg #webbased #encoding #compression #softwarehacks
@hrbrmstr @milesmcbain So I've landed on a solution that seems to work for the most part. The biggest issue was \x92 (utf8 apostrophe used on web) encoding mixed in with mostly `latin1` that remained incorrectly encoded.
Things still aren't awesome but they are better. #RStats #encoding
Klar kannste HTML-E-Mails schicken.
Klar kannste plain-Text weglassen.
Ist dann halt Scheiße.
Klar kannste <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"> in den Kopf schreiben.
Klar kannste das aber in Wahrheit als UTF-8 kodieren.
Ist dann halt Scheiße.
#grmpf #encoding #rant #email #html
🎞️ Handbrake − le célèbre transcodeur vidéo − est tellement mal conçu / peu intuitif pour le traitement par lot, que j'ai opté pout un script shell.
C'est vraiment dommage parce-qu'en dehors de ce problème, Handbrake reste le meilleur transcodeur pour un usage unique.
I had a #video #encoding question last night, so I googled it. The first hit was EXACTLY what I needed. It was phrased better, and promised a complete fix to my problem.
But when I followed the link, the #subreddit was still private. So I went back to my results and found the answer on a site that wasn’t #reddit.
I know I could have looked in Google’s cache, or that other Reddit cache called #ChatGPT. But the path of least resist was to find the info elsewhere.
#chatgpt #reddit #subreddit #encoding #video
The Rose lab @trose_neuro (Circuit Mechanisms of Behavior) at #IEECR, University of #Bonn is seeking a full-time postdoctoral researcher, 3-years position with possibility of extension:
🧠🔬 "#Encoding of Landmark Stability and Stability of Landmark Encoding."
🌍 http://troselab.de
#ieecr #bonn #encoding #jobalert #neuroscience #BehavioralScience
A study of #brain-wide #encoding of movement by Wang et al.
🌍 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.06.08.544257v1
Incidentally, the lack of "œ" means that one cannot write Latin in ISO-Latin-1 ... 😡
#french #spelling #characterset #encoding
In April I wrote my third unique cipher, the PentaBit Cipher. This is my first keyed cipher, and my first cipher capable of encoding alphanumeric plaintexts! You read about it, and try it out, over on my site.
#IndieWeb #cryptography #encoding #encryption
#indieweb #cryptography #encoding #encryption
Examining the #engram #encoding specificity #hypothesis in #mice
#engram #encoding #hypothesis #mice #neuroscience
One more for the "encoding is hard" list. WhatsApp announcing new features with encoding issues in the call to action
#encoding #BugMagnet #Testing
Did I just add #qr #code #decoding \ #encoding to my #website ?
Try to find it.
But no #sourcecode #peeking !
( @T0xF01AE is the initiator.
Now only if they updated their qr code
#qr #code #decoding #encoding #website #sourcecode #peeking
Fowrarding a (specific) mail in thunderbird leads to loss of Greek encoding #email #thunderbird #encoding