Did you present at the #encodingcultures @teimec2023 conference last week? Please share your presentation slides, poster, or other materials in the HC conference group - https://hcommons.org/groups/encoding-cultures-joint-mec-and-tei-conference/.
Here are workshop materials (http://bit.ly/EncodingPedagogy) from Pedagogical Approaches to Encoding workshop that I co-taught with @tdrdoog
& Jessica Grimmer at the #encodingcultures @teimec2023
at #universitätPaderborn #TEI #MEI #digitalhumanities
#digitalhumanities #mei #tei #universitatpaderborn #encodingcultures
@stefandumont The @AMP_OeAW crew would be interested in attending the TEI Correspondence SIG at #EncodingCultures. Is this possible or open only to members?
Registration to »Encoding Cultures« the TEI-MEC-Joint-Conference is open now! #tei #mei #encodingcultures @edirom @unipb