The official said that after guns fell silent, bodies of two Naxalites along with a 12 bore double-barrel rifle and a pistol were recovered from the spot
#Naxalites #Encounter #SecurityPersonnel #Sukma
#naxalites #encounter #securitypersonnel #sukma
Es braucht jetzt gute Arbeits- und Freundeskreise, die bewusst entgegen denken, aber die werden rar: Ich hatte neulich drei mal das Vergnügen, zuerst mit #Wissenschafts- und später mit #Therapie und #Gestalt- Kolleg*innen, das Eine mit #Theater, das zweite fühlte sich an wie ein heilsamer #Encounter, das dritte wie ein #Schaman*innentreffen mit weitem Blick über den Rhein hinter #Koblenz im Regen: Erinnerte aber doch an den Fluch: Mögest du in interessanten Zeiten leben ...
#Wissenschafts #therapie #gestalt #theater #encounter #schaman #koblenz
Today's poem:
- by Wallace Gould
#poetry #sarcophagus #eternity #moment #person #death #WallaceGould #museum #visitor #encounter #insight
#poetry #sarcophagus #eternity #moment #person #death #wallacegould #museum #visitor #encounter #insight
Kulgam encounter: Three army soldiers were killed in an encounter with terrorists in Jammu and Kashmirs Kulgam district, Indian Army said.
#Encounter #Kashmir #Search
This Guy Paints the #Sex He Allegedly Has with #Aliens
Kara Weisenstein for Vice, 2018
"…According to Huggins, these visits from #extraterrestrials, and his #sexual #relationship with them, continued into adulthood. When I interviewed him for this story, Huggins told me his last encounter with Crescent, his name for the woman in the woods, was six months ago…"
#Weird #Alien #Encounter #Time & #Timelessness
#sex #aliens #extraterrestrials #sexual #relationship #weird #alien #encounter #time #timelessness
【新曲配信】 インスタライブ 池田エライザ 2022-09-26
#actress #akb48 #ASIAPROMOTION #encounter #Instagram #tiktok #Twitter #youtube #インスタライブ #写真集 #大和田南那 #女優 #池田エライザ
#actress #akb48 #asiapromotion #encounter #instagram #tiktok #twitter #youtube #インスタライブ #写真集 #大和田南那 #女優 #池田エライザ
【新曲配信】 インスタライブ 池田エライザ 2022-09-26
2022/09/26 池田 エライザ インスタライブ 保管用 要望があれば、コメント欄にお願いします。 ハードディスク圧迫するので、ここに上げていきます。 ちょっとずつ上げていくので気長にお待ちください。 よかったら登録
#AKB48 #ASIAPROMOTION #ElaizaIkeda #encounter #Female #IkedaElaiza #instagram #tiktok #twitter #YouTube #インスタライブ #写真集 #大和田南那 #池田エライザ
#akb48 #asiapromotion #elaizaikeda #encounter #female #ikedaelaiza #instagram #tiktok #twitter #youtube #インスタライブ #写真集 #大和田南那 #池田エライザ
“What’s the news of the day,
Good neighbour, I pray?”
#interspeciescommunication #encounter #girls #donkeys
We hadden heel even oogcontact, en ik kon nog net afdrukken, en toen schoot hij weg.
#Vos #Fox #Jetty #Steigertje #Ierland #Lough #Animal #Encounter #Nature #Photography
#photography #nature #encounter #animal #lough #ierland #steigertje #jetty #fox #vos
Today's poem:
Not a poem.
A short story, from me.
#DamiansWriting #Short Story #fable #reflection #encounter #change #paradigm
#damianswriting #short #fable #reflection #encounter #change #paradigm
Oh man, I can’t believe Prime tricked me into watching Encounter. #Encounter
Incriminating material including arms and ammunition were also recovered
#Jammu #Kashmir #Militant #Encounter #Kulgam
#jammu #kashmir #militant #encounter #kulgam
Who’s Afraid of Patti LuPone? #2023_06_13 #vulture #rachel_handler #beau_is_afraid #patti_lupone #ari_aster #encounter #a24 #theater #marvel
#2023_06_13 #vulture #rachel_handler #beau_is_afraid #patti_lupone #ari_aster #encounter #a24 #theater #marvel
#encounter : especially, to meet in opposition or with hostile intent
- French: rencontre
- Italian: incontro
- Portuguese: encontro
- Spanish: encuentro
Report an incorrect translation @
Neugierde hält deine Gedanken beweglich, macht deine Gefühle sanfter und hält dich in Beziehung zur Welt.
#empathie #encounter #Interaktionsarbeit
Hallo #pnpde
Passend zu den wärmer werdenden Temperaturen draußen, habe ich sechs Funde in dieser #Zufallstabelle zusammengeschrieben, die SC in einer Eishöhle in #Fantasy Welten finden können. 🙃
Als #Encounter oder #PlotHook.
Viel Spaß und eine schöne Restwoche!
Content Warning: Knochen, Erfrieren, kultische Rituale
#pnpde #zufallstabelle #fantasy #encounter #PlotHook
Today's poem:
To the Sea
- by Anis Mojgani
#poetry #selfhood #person #encounter #conversation #life #chat #connection #AnisMojgani
#poetry #selfhood #person #encounter #conversation #life #chat #connection #anismojgani
I'm watching Encounter (2021) #Encounter #trakt