5OUTH W35T OHIO ANONS · @LinuxRoot
42 followers · 377 posts · Server kolektiva.social

> Has contract with "".

> Must tell whatever the fuck he's told to.

See encryption company exposed for giving faulty on behalf of the . So a company doesn't even need to pretend to be nor -abiding to be an arm.

Hands up if you ever for one second, thought an driving device would've worked?

#USDefence #china #swiss #encryptionKeys #usa #USBased #USLaw #internetConnected #analog #drivingDevice #spying #tesla #byeByeAutonomousVehicles #degrowthNowPlease #plannedDegrowth #gamesOver #degrowth

Last updated 4 years ago

> Has contract with ""…

> Must tell whatever the fuck he's told to, right?

See encryption company exposed for giving faulty on behalf of the . A company doesn't even need to pretend to be to be a piece of crap.

Hands up if you ever for one second, thought that an driving device would've worked?

#china #swiss #encryptionKeys #usa #USBased #internetConnected #analog #drivingDevice #spying #byeByeAutonomousVehicles #degrowthNowPlease #USDefence #plannedDegrowth #gamesOver #degrowth

Last updated 4 years ago


Its deeply troubling that systems like Tor and i2p have existed for over a decade yet no one has had the guts to promote them strongly. We've had destroyed, built, crush , and respected exposed for issuing faulty ...

What more do we honestly need!?

But when we try to suggest the alternative, many act like its too extreme. The is real.

#netneutrality #dragNets #techgiants #independentmedia #certificateAuthorities #encryptionKeys #sleepWalking

Last updated 4 years ago