In fact, in a letter sent to the #Biden administration, 100 #scientists warned #NOAAFisheries and its partners that "the United States is likely to cause the first anthropogenic extinction of a great whale species" if they're not fully protected where they live.
NOAA Fisheries protected Rice's whales under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct in 2019 but still hasn't set aside critical habitat, as the law requires.
#endangeredspeciesact #noaafisheries #scientists #biden
The Endangered Species Act is an act of love that asks for our engagement, each in our own way with the gifts that are ours in the places we call home. Learn their names. Speak their names. Remember their names. Act.
#PrairieDogs #EndangeredSpeciesAct #EndangeredSpecies #ESA #ProtectOurWildlife
#protectourwildlife #esa #endangeredspecies #endangeredspeciesact #prairiedogs
blown-apart bodies left in the matted grasses of their prairie dog town. And then, a single prairie dog raised her head out of a burrow and stood up and faced me. I froze in place, unable to avoid her gaze. She disappeared underground.
On that day, I made a vow, short of standing in front of my fatherβs #rifle, that I would be their ally. I have tried to keep that vow.
I graduated from high school in 1973, the same year the #EndangeredSpeciesAct was signed into law.
The story of the Andalucian wolves is similar. Spain once had Europe's largest wolf population, but targeted eradication meant only a few hundred were left by the 1970's.
Here's where the stories differ:
In the US, the passage of the #EndangeredSpeciesAct provided the shelter wolves needed to begin to recover. Today, hunting and trapping still threaten wolves where protection has since been eliminated --
Tell the Fish & Wildlife Service: Restore the Endangered Species Act and give wildlife the protection they need.
- Environmental Action
#RestoreESA #EndangeredSpeciesAct #ProtectOurWildlife π¦ π¦ π³
#protectourwildlife #endangeredspeciesact #restoreesa
New Mexico Butterflies to Get Habitat Protection
This month the Fish and Wildlife Service finally proposed to protect their habitat. With most of their New Mexico home degraded or destroyed by cows, construction and motorized recreation, very few now survive β 23, at last count. Thankfully, after the third petition, in January the Service protected them under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct. Now it's proposing 1,637 acres of critical habitat.
Endangered Species Coalition
Sen. Tammy Baldwin recently introduced, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar co-sponsored, a bill that would force the removal of Great Lakes gray wolves from the #EndangeredSpeciesAct without scientific or public support.
#Ecology #Wolves
#wolves #ecology #endangeredspeciesact
The second petition urges #USFWS to implement specific "management measures" for remaining wolf populations across the lower 48 states more broadly.
We strongly oppose these petitions and call on the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (#USFWS) to deny these requests and uphold #protections for #wolves under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct in these areas and its surrounding regions.
#ProtectOurWildlife πΊ πΏ
#protectourwildlife #endangeredspeciesact #wolves #protections #usfws
The Endangered Species Act is under attack. In the last 60 days, 3 federal anti-wolf bills have gained traction in Congress with sponsors and co-sponsors across 15 different states. These are live bills which, if successful, continue a dangerous precedent of cherry-picking and legislatively delisting certain species and, in some cases, don't allow for judicial review.
By @relistwolvescampaign
#ESA #EndangeredSpeciesAct #wolves #ProtectOurWildlife πΊπΏ
#protectourwildlife #wolves #endangeredspeciesact #esa
The draft bill aims to "require the Director of the #UnitedStatesFishandWildlifeService to reissue a final rule removing the #GrayWolf from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct of 1973."
Please note that at this stage, the Johnson bill is still in the form of a draft and has not been formally introduced.
#RelistWolves #ProtectOurWildlife πΊ πΏ
#protectourwildlife #relistwolves #endangeredspeciesact #graywolf #unitedstatesfishandwildlifeservice
The field of attribution science is growing and it can be used to evaluate the effects of oil & gas emissions on endangered species. Our non-resident senior fellow Jessica Wentz explains why the federal government should revisit its approach to the #EndangeredSpeciesAct jeopardy determinations for GHG emissions:
The reintroduction of #wolves has been one of the great success stories of the #EndangeredSpeciesAct. The Fish and Game Commission's recent vote is a concerning step in the wrong direction for this incredible species.
#Idaho wolf populations are already on the decline -- 13% in one year alone, by Fish and Game's own estimate.
Please end the wolf hunts now. πΊπΏ
#idaho #endangeredspeciesact #wolves
1,869 acres have been designated as critical habitat for the #endangered #MiamiTigerBeetle under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct. The beetle lives in some of the few #PineRocklands that still exist in #MiamiDadeCounty, and there are heavy development pressures on such areas, despite them containing a variety of #EndangeredSpecies.
Here's #CenterForBiologicalDiversity's press release about it:
#Miami #SouthFlorida #insects #beetles #conservation #ProtectedAreas #biodiversity
#endangered #miamitigerbeetle #endangeredspeciesact #pinerocklands #miamidadecounty #endangeredspecies #centerforbiologicaldiversity #miami #southflorida #insects #beetles #conservation #protectedareas #biodiversity
Our Deputy Director lays it down on #MexicanWolves and the recent petition to protect #Coyotes under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct.
#mexicanwolves #coyotes #endangeredspeciesact
Over the past 50 years, the #EndangeredSpeciesAct (ESA) has provided vital protection for plants and wildlife threatened with extinction due to human activity in the United States.
β¬οΈ Learn more here!
Over the past 50 years, the #EndangeredSpeciesAct (ESA) has provided vital protection for plants and wildlife threatened with extinction due to human activity in the United States.
β¬οΈ Learn more here!
These attacks on the #EndangeredSpeciesAct are part of a larger plan to undermine and ultimately destroy the ESA. This is a concern for #wolves and other threatened or #EndangeredSpecies, as the ESA is what they depend on for protection. If the ESA is weakened or destroyed, it will be much harder to protect wolves and other species. This could mean more wolf hunting and a greater likelihood of wiping wolves from our landscape completely - again.
Policy Watch by The #RelistWolves Campaign
#relistwolves #endangeredspecies #wolves #endangeredspeciesact
The #MiamiTigerBeetle will have #CriticalHabitat finalized and The #BractedTwistflower will be listed as a #ThreatenedSpecies (with critical habitat designated) under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct, the #CenterForBiologicalDiversity announced.
The #Miami #TigerBeetle lives in the #PineRocklands of very urbanized #SouthFlorida in #MiamiDadeCounty, while the bracted twistflower is found in #UvaldeCounty, #BexarCounty, #MedinaCounty, and #TravisCounty in #Texas, roughly coinciding with the #I35Corridor.
#plants #wildflowers #beetles #insects #Florida #SouthTexas #UrbanSprawl #ESA #EndangeredSpecies #USFWS
#miamitigerbeetle #criticalhabitat #bractedtwistflower #threatenedspecies #endangeredspeciesact #centerforbiologicaldiversity #Miami #tigerbeetle #pinerocklands #southflorida #miamidadecounty #uvaldecounty #bexarcounty #medinacounty #traviscounty #texas #i35corridor #plants #wildflowers #beetles #insects #florida #southtexas #urbanSprawl #esa #endangeredspecies #USFWS
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (#USFWS) has gotten a lot of mileage in the media for rejecting the #EndangeredSpeciesAct #Coyote petition to protect #MexicanWolves. They even put out their own press release, like they were gloating about their unwillingness to protect #Lobos.
Wev. We're still here and we're not going to stop fighting to protect and recover #Wolves.
#usfws #endangeredspeciesact #coyote #mexicanwolves #lobos #wolves
#GrizzlyBears are at risk of having their federal #EndangeredSpeciesAct (#ESA) protections removed in states like #Montana, #Idaho, and #Wyoming.
There are less than 2,000 grizzly bears in the lower 48 states, and removing #ESA protections would be detrimental to ensuring their recovery.
If federal protections are removed, it is likely that brutal trophy hunting tactics will become even more rampant.
#RestoreESA #BanTrophyHunting #ProtectOurWildlife
#protectourwildlife #bantrophyhunting #restoreesa #wyoming #idaho #montana #esa #endangeredspeciesact #grizzlybears