#Lidl claims to follow the ‘Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare' to support a ‘life worth living’, but their actions couldn’t be further from their claims. Make them put their money where their mouth is and drop Bird Bros as a supplier for good!
- Animal Justice Project
#EndAnimalAg #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals
#seeanimalsasindividuals #endanimalag #lidl
by Animal Justice Project
Behind the walls of #SunnyFarm, an ‘enriched’ colony cage egg farm run by East Anglia's leading egg producer, #BirdBros, lies a much darker truth.
Our latest undercover investigation, which broke last night in the #DailyMail, has uncovered despair, death and decay in the depths of this 'megafarm', which supplies major UK supermarket, #Lidl.
#EndAnimalAg #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals #GoVegan 🐣
#govegan #seeanimalsasindividuals #endanimalag #lidl #dailymail #birdbros #sunnyfarm
- Förderung des pflanzlichen Proteinkonsums: Die Bevölkerung soll über die Vorteile einer pflanzlichen Ernährung informiert werden, um den Bedarf an tierischen Produkten zu reduzieren und somit den Druck auf die Massentierhaltung zu verringern.
#EndAnimalAg #PlantbasedFuture #JederTag 🐄🐽
#jedertag #plantbasedfuture #endanimalag
The #VeganLandMovement has the goal of removing land from animal #agriculture, and returning it to nature and Veganic farming.
By #rewilding the land, through allowing nature to flourish and planting trees, the Vegan Land Movement has totally transformed the areas of land it has purchased. From barren grazing land, the parcels are now thriving with life – and, not to forget, the land will no longer be used for exploiting animals.
#plantbasedfuture #endanimalag #VLM #rewilding #agriculture #veganlandmovement
The #ranchers want to use more and more of the #PublicLand the #WildHorses and #Burros live on to graze their privately-owned #livestock since it's #subsidized by your tax dollars.
#ProtectOurWildlife #EndAnimalAg #HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundups 🐎
#StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #endanimalag #protectourwildlife #subsidized #livestock #burros #wildhorses #publicland #ranchers
you're completely right and it breaks my heart. Especially now that the Chinese are building multiple stories slaughterhouses for pigs. Animal agriculture apart from its cruelty and horror takes an immense toll on the environment. #OctopusFarming is a new thing starting now, that's why there are all the protests and posts around. In my opinion it's absolutely mandatory to #EndAnimalAg
Transparenz und Kontrolle: #Lidl sollte transparent über seine Lieferanten und deren Haltungsbedingungen berichten. Regelmäßige Kontrollen und unabhängige Überprüfungen sollten durchgeführt werden, um sicherzustellen, dass die vereinbarten Standards eingehalten werden.
#jedertag #govegan #endanimalag #lidl
The #dairy industry is one of the most destructive industries on the planet. From stealing terrified newborn babies away from mother cows, contributing massive amounts of greenhouse gases, and causing life-threatening diseases in humans, dairy production wreaks havoc on animals, the planet, and our families.
#endanimalag #plantbasedfuture #govegan #ditchdairy #dairy
From #pollution to the #ClimateCrisis and wildlife #extinctions, #AnimalCruelty to human #hunger and #malnutrition. Take a closer look at almost any global challenge, and you’ll find food at its core.
In intensive farms, billions of animals are cruelly confined or bred for unnaturally fast growth or high yields. 40% of global arable land is used to feed animals instead of people – driving deforestation and massive loss of wildlife habitats.
#endanimalag #malnutrition #hunger #animalcruelty #extinctions #climatecrisis #pollution
Farming octopuses is unsustainable, inhumane, puts pressure on the ocean, and disrupts marine ecosystems.
Please sign the petition to #StopOctopusFarming 🐙 in #GranCanaria, Canary Islands.
#endanimalag #nuevapescanova #banoctopusfarming #grancanaria #stopoctopusfarming
#FollowFriday time! This week, I'm focusing on #ClimateJustice accounts! If you care about #MotherEarth, follow these accounts for timely news about actions, causes and current events!
"Western Watersheds Project is a non-profit environmental conservation group that works to influence and improve #PublicLands management throughout the western United States in order to protect #NativeSpecies and conserve and restore the habitats they depend on. Our primary focus is on the negative impacts of #LivestockGrazing, including harm to ecological, biological, cultural, historic, archeological, scenic resources, and wilderness values."
"Natural born Hippie, Ökofeministin, Spiritual Punk
"Lentil-crisp-based human, climate collapse Cassandra. London, England. Books, wilderness, gardening, rage against the 6th mass extinction."
"A regular #Nature lover who curates a daily feed of news about the #Environment & #ClimateChange.
"Doing my best to stay informed and raise awareness about environmental crises, climate breakdown, and the rapacious, murderous impact of greedy capitalists and the politicians they own."
"#MMIW #pigoneer #BanKillShelters #BanOctopusFarming #RelistWolves #EndAnimalAg #StopShell #HumanRights #FindNaaruAlive #plantbasedfuture #ActOnSahel #SaveOurSeas #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals #ProtectOurWildlife #ReleaseIdrisKhattak #HaltTheHelicopters #SaveMollem #BanTrophyHunting #KeepItInTheGround #rewilding #SaveCongoRainforest"
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
#followfriday #ClimateJustice #motherearth #publiclands #nativespecies #livestockgrazing #respectexistenceorexpectresistance #nature #environment #ClimateChange #mmiw #pigoneer #bankillshelters #banoctopusfarming #RelistWolves #endanimalag #stopshell #humanrights #findnaarualive #PlantBasedFuture #ActOnSahel #SaveOurSeas #seeanimalsasindividuals #protectourwildlife #releaseidriskhattak #haltthehelicopters #savemollem #bantrophyhunting #keepitintheground #rewilding #SaveCongoRainForest #ClimateCrisis
GOOD NEWS: The only #octopusfarm in the U.S. has been ordered to shut down 15 months after Compassion in World Farming called out the facility for engaging in cruel and unsustainable #aquaculture practices!
#animalwelfare #animaladvocacy #octopusfarming #BanOctopusFarming #EndAnimalAg
#endanimalag #banoctopusfarming #octopusfarming #animaladvocacy #animalwelfare #aquaculture #octopusfarm
#OctopusFarming is incredibly cruel & unsustainable. A new federal e-petition has been launched, calling on the Canadian government to BAN the breeding or raising of cephalopods in captivity 🌊🐙
#endanimalag #banoctopusfarming #octopusfarming
The whole industry needs shutting down for good
Irish calves beaten, hit in the face and jumped on.
#ditchdairy #govegan #endanimalag #dairy #ireland
The #Spanish company Nueva Pescanova has invested €65 million to build the world's first commercial #OctopusFarm in #Gran Canaria . We should not be building new slaughterhouses or animal farms, but relinquishing animal agriculture facilities and not making the problem worse. Yet this octopus farm would lead to a million octopuses being killed each year.
Please sign and share to #BanOctopusFarming 🌊🐙🙏
#EndAnimalAg #GoVegan #PlantbasedFuture #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals
#seeanimalsasindividuals #plantbasedfuture #govegan #endanimalag #banoctopusfarming #gran #octopusfarm #spanish
The Spanish company #NuevaPescanova has invested €65 million to build the world's first commercial #octopus farm in Las Palmas, #GranCanaria. We should not be building new slaughterhouses or animal farms, but relinquishing animal agriculture facilities and not making the problem worse. Yet this octopus farm would lead to a million octopuses being killed each year. 🌊🐙
Please sign and share the petition to #BanOctopusFarming 🙏
#seeanimalsasindividuals #endanimalag #banoctopusfarming #grancanaria #octopus #nuevapescanova
Highly intelligent and curious #octopuses could receive protection from cruel and inhumane commercial #OctopusFarming in Washington State if legislators pass newly introduced, common-sense legislation. 🌊🐙
#saveourseas #endanimalag #banoctopusfarming #octopusfarming #octopuses