🐂❌🚫 On #WorldAntiBullfightingDay, we reaffirm our commitment to promoting compassion, respect and the protection of animal rights. Bullfighting perpetuates cruelty and suffering. We must promote alternative forms of entertainment that celebrate life and reject. Together, we can create a world where animals are treated with dignity and compassion. #EndBullfighting #AnimalRights #Compassion #ChooseCompassion #AnimalWelfare #CulturalChange
#worldantibullfightingday #endbullfighting #animalrights #compassion #choosecompassion #animalwelfare #culturalchange
Absolutely #endbullfighting
RT @TrophyXpose: @_AnimalAdvocate @rickygervais @PeterEgan6 @Protect_Wldlife @RobRobbEdwards @domdyer70 @Veganella_ It’s a heinous, barbaric and idiotic ‘tradition’. 3 stupid people have just been killed running with the bulls, men in their 50s & 60s with family’s. These bulls are literally tortured to death for entertainment. It’s primitive & doesn’t belong in this century!🤬
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JohnFlack2019/status/1550793283252674562
#endbullfighting #BanBullfighting