Since, according to #scotus corporations are people, why aren't we seeing a corporation killed in a mass shooting or killed by the police after a traffic stop?
#louisville #kentucky #gunviolence #banassaultweaponsnow #EndCitizenUnited
#scotus #louisville #kentucky #gunviolence #banassaultweaponsnow #endcitizenunited
Barely a slap on the wrist!
I believe their support for assault weapons is further proof that they just flat out don't care how many American high schoolers survive their reign of terror
#banassaultweaponsnow #EndCitizenUnited
#banassaultweaponsnow #endcitizenunited
#ExxonMobile Pimps to the pols
how are they still in the lube business ??
why #citizensunited of course.
#ExxonMobile #citizensunited #endcitizenunited #thelonglie