This one baffles me. George Floyd was a useless human being.
Jew-hate is a disease. Everything you blame on The Jews(tm) is either a product of democracy or miscegenation generally.
I find that Jew-hate takes over the minds of those victimized by it, and soon they can see no other solution than horrific genocide.
Just #EndDiversity and focus on culture, which is ethnic.
I think we need to be clearer: Hitler and Jeff Davis were right about diversity sucking. That means that we need to #EndDiversity. The rest of the stuff -- totalitarianism, slavery, socialism, repression, homoerotic uniforms -- we do not need.
The #JQ is a proxy for noticing that diversity in any form does not work.
To notice that means that we have to repatriate the Southern Europeans, Eastern Europeans, Irish, and Mediterranean Europeans as well as Africans, Asians, Middle Easterners, and Amerinds.
They fear that.
In reality, #WASPAmerica was the last stage at which this country functioned.
Diversity does not work. Anti-Semitism is a weak response instead of realizing we must #EndDiversity.
#jq #WASPAmerica #enddiversity
I am just a nationalist. One ethnic group per nation. #WASPAmerica worked and diversity America does not, so we need to #EndDiversity, starting by repatriating the Irish.
We have to #EndDiversity. The high property taxes and White Flight that drive up these prices are results of diversity.
Diversity means special interest groups.
It's time to #EndDiversity so that the West can survive.
I always just write back that I am a one-issue voter: #EndDiversity. It's all that matters.
It is clearly long past time to #EndDiversity.
Keep the WASPs, send everyone else back.
You cannot have folklore without a national culture.
You cannot have that with diversity.
We must #EndDiversity now.
If a White person had driven a car through a crowd of Black people, it would have been a hate crime even if by accident.
Diversity does not work, and it never can work, because it must be enforced with this kind of preference and other forms of biased quotas like affirmative action.
It is time to #EndDiversity.
Even in Left-leaning Israel, people are finding out that it is time to #EndDiversity before it genocides them. (
Diversity is our misfortune. It is paradoxical to have more than one culture in the same place; this abolishes culture. Culture as it turns out is genetic like everything else, including intelligence. Diversity kills societies. We have no future until we #EndDiversity.
He wants to be Reagan. Guys like that are intermediates. They stop the bleeding, fix the trains, and point society toward the Right, so that if the Right does not screw up, the momentum keeps going that way...
We need to avoid both Hitlers AND Bushes.
That seems to be the lesson of postwar Western politics.
We need someone steely-eyed who will #enddiversity, remove big government, amend the Constitution to remove the #14A, etc.
These are mainstream cons so they use the language.
However what you say is true. Government does not divide us; diversity divides us.
We're gonna hafta #EndDiversity.
Diversity means that everyone is working against all other groups, which means that almost no one cares about quality.
It's time to #EndDiversity.