It's not just #DRM #Amazon is collecting and handing over your data from #Ring doorbells to your healthcare.
Amazon has a form so police can get my data without permission or a warrant.
tech giant's virtual care platform is “harvesting” health data.
Democrats want to protect digital health data from abortion punishments.
I know I am not nearly the first person to say this (nor is it my first time) but:
💻📚 e-books should not have borrow limits for public libraries! 📚💻
The whole advantage of e-books is having no physical limitations (besides digital storage) and being infinitely distributable. But also public libraries should be able to distribute them to card-holders infinitely.
No manufactured scarcity.
#publiclibraries #postscarcity #enddrm #endcopyright
I really want to believe that #google and #youtube are secretly on our side. They made youtube-dl the new #napster. 😂
#UserFreedom #enddrm #drm #copyright #napster #youtube #google
RT @fsf
"What makes an ebook different that makes sharing it illegal?" Watch the third in our series of interviews from #DayAgainstDRM in which we asked passersby their thoughts on digital sharing. #EndDRM #FreedomToShare Watch this and others on PeerTube:
#dayagainstdrm #enddrm #freedomtoshare
Our fundraiser is extended until January 20, which means you have more time to participate in helping us reach our goal! FSF Program Manager Miriam Bastian discusses how memberships help drive our advocacy: Let's protect the #FreedomToShare and #EndDRM!
Watch the second in our series of interviews from #DayAgainstDRM in which we asked passersby their thoughts on digital sharing. Tanor says some very memorable things about sharing video games. #EndDRM #FreedomToShare Watch this and others on PeerTube:
#freedomtoshare #enddrm #dayagainstdrm
For this year's #DayAgainstDRM, we asked passersby what they think about digital sharing. Our interview with Muhammad, who tells us his thoughts on music, marks the first of this small series. Read and watch: #EndDRM #FreedomToShare
#freedomtoshare #enddrm #dayagainstdrm
This video made me think that the whole #copyright and #drm business is much closer to #mafia than to anything else. This is why it's so counter-intuitive.
#UserFreedom #enddrm #mafia #drm #copyright
#endDRM meeting in less then 20 minutes on #dbd on #drm #userfreedom #freesoftware #FSF
#FSF #freesoftware #UserFreedom #drm #dbd #enddrm
#boycottsony #endDRM #drm #sony
Be prepared for the International Day Against DRM on December 10th.
#Odysee #lbry #sony #drm #enddrm #boycottsony
We have progress, but it's not enough.
Els sistemes antipirateria només perjudiquen als compradors legítims, capítol 384. #enddrm
«The cracked version of Resident Evil Village runs better, testing confirms»