And... I'm out of #EndeavourOS and installed #Debian on my laptop (it was already installed on my desktop). Don't get me wrong, I really like #EndeavourOS. It is fast, easy, and since it is based on #ArchLinux it has the newest software.
But precisely because of that it has ended up tiring me. I'm tired of the constant updates, the occasional bugs and quirks that happen because of them, and the sudden changes that such updates might bring. I don't have the time to think about all of that.
#ArchLinux #Debian #endeavouros
A comparaison between #Manjaro and #EndeavourOS
Both are #Arch based Linux distributions:
I will keep using :manjaro: on my #raspberry #pi4.
I chose it because there is less regular update to do to keep it up-to-date compare to arch.
(I didn't install any desktop environment).
#manjaro #endeavouros #arch #raspberry #pi4
The UpdateInTerminal app in #EndeavourOS #Linux is deprecated, and the latest OS updates remove it. To apply updates in the future, just type yay and hit enter
OK, it’s 4 AM – such a typical time to end an install :blobmelt:
But it is done …well, the basic install at least of my #EndeavourOS on #Slimbook (on #Btrfs in #LUKS).
I have to say, this was surprisingly painless, thanks to the #Calamares installer.
• password-protect your BIOS!
• Btrfs + LUKS was super easy
• using GNU #GRUB now, might change to #rEFInd later
• DPS is a thing I need to read more about
#endeavouros #slimbook #btrfs #luks #calamares #grub #rEFInd
Booting my new #Slimbook into the #EndeavourOS installation liveUSB …here it goooooeeees!! (Wish me luck)
Al mes de maig, #Arch Linux va anunciar una modificació en l'estructura dels seus repositoris.
Aquest canvi, és clar, va afectar totes les distros derivades d'aquella, entre les quals #endeavouros, que tinc instal·lada en tres màquines. Les instruccions que vaig trobar per a adaptar-se a aquells canvis (i poder continuar actualitzant de forma normal), o bé no estaven completes, o bé no eren clares o bé, simplement, no les vaig entendre bé. Com a resultat, després de fer-ne una aplicació (que, ara, puc suposar que va ser només parcial), els paquets propis d'EndeavourOS no s'actualitzaven (per sort, els que depenien directament d'Arch Linux, sí). Després de tres mesos llargs, he aconseguit solucionar el problema en les màquines, així que m'ho deixaré apuntat per ací, per si ho necessite més endavant i per si encara hi ha algú que no se n'ha sortit.
Com a root, editar el fixer /etc/pacman.conf i comentar (afegir # a l'inici de les línies) els repositoris que desapareixen:
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Assegureu-vos que el repositori propi d'EndeavourOS hi és:
SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist
(Em sembla recordar que hauria de ser aquest el primer repositori definit.)
Deseu el fitxer i sortiu.
Sempre com a administrador, actualitzeu el sistema amb:
# pacman -Syyuu
(Després, feu el mateix amb yay per a actualitzar els paquets aur, si n'havíeu instal·lat algun.)
Tanmateix, és aquí on em vaig trobar amb un maldecap de claus no signades; si us passa el mateix, aneu al pas 5.
Sempre com a administrador, actualitzeu l'anell de claus d'EndeavourOS (no tinc ni idea de què vol dir això):
# pacman -Sy endeavouros-keyring
A continuació, proveu d'actualitzar (pas 4). Si el problema persisteix, actualitzeu també les claus d'Arch Linux:
# pacman-key --refresh-keys
[Davant de «refresh-keys» hi ha dos guionets: de vegades, el navegador en mostra un de més llarg.]
I torneu a actualitzar (com en el pas 4).
En el meu cas, cada màquina s'ha comportat de forma diferent: en una, he acabat amb el pas 4; en una altra, he hagut de fer el primer ajust del pas 5 i, en la tercera, tots dos ajustos.
Probablement, la font de tots els problemes ha estat la meua insuficient formació (no conec bé el funcionament profund de pacman i els repositoris) i el meu pèssim anglés. Però estava força convençut que, en un lloc o en un altre, trobaria les instruccions completes i clares. Disculpeu, això sí, que us enllace les fonts: he anat saltant d'una màquina a una altra totes aquestes setmanes i no tinc forma de recuperar les adreces que he llegit.
Leaving #Manjaro and trying to decide if I want to attempt #Arch again now that I'm more familiar with computers or if I want to try #EndeavourOS for a while.
I've downloaded arch before, but couldn't figure out anything past the base install, but I'm more familiar with the terminal now and reading up on forums than I used to be.
My #Slimbook / new laptop adventure continues! And with it a new blog post:
• why I decided for #EndeavourOS on a #Btrfs #RAID-1 on two #LUKS encrypted SSDs and not something else
• how I intend to mitigate the challenges this combination brings with it
• how to leverage #Tmpfs to make your SSD live longer and make your browser much faster
• #Borg in a great backup tool
• #Wayland … I hope
#slimbook #endeavouros #btrfs #raid #luks #tmpfs #borg #wayland
And if I decide to upgrade, should I perhaps go to some new rolling distro instead? like #endeavouros or even straight to #archlinux ? 🤔
After a bit of trouble with booting, my #tatertop is back on #EndeavourOS. Good thing is it took less than an hour to get #KDE #Plasma set up how I like it, ricing and all.
#plasma #KDE #endeavouros #tatertop
/The simple truth is:
There is no good browser/
Ενδιαφέρουσα συζήτηση σήμερα στο φόρουμ του EndeavourOS
#EndeavourOS is a great distro but you’d better have your wits about you if you’re going to step into package management and system administration because things can and will go wrong quickly if you’re used to copypasta *buntu solutions.
Should I distro hop my work (!) machine to #OpenSUSE Tumbleweed (and fight with its lack of polkit setup and "hurr durr durr just use the root password" attitude),
-- or --
Should I make a fair attempt at troubleshooting the problems I'm having with #EndeavourOS?
I'm getting some strange behavior with #sddm, #KDE #Plasma, and #Wayland.
My login (selecting Plasma Wayland session) dumps me into an Xorg screen with 3 xterms. I then have to 'sudo systemctl restart sddm' and log in again...etc..
#opensuse #endeavouros #sddm #kde #plasma #wayland
Is it smart to change distro a Thursday evening with preparations being "look through /home/ and copy what I want to save"?
@SinclairSpeccy My journey with Debian began with potato... I did a lot of Distro Hopping until I found #LinuxMint and #EndeavourOS. These are my go-to Distros now.
@linuxnews_de Schön, #Plasma ist unter #Debian12 wirklich ein sehr empfehlenswerter Desktop. Allerdings gibt es auch unter aktuellen Plasma-Versionen immer noch einige Showstopper bzgl. #Wayland:
Und ich persönlich muss ich auch sagen, dass ich auf meinem privaten #EndeavourOS-System unter Wayland noch zu viele Hänger, Freezes und andere Probleme im Alltag erlebe. Vielleicht doch lieber #X1?
#kdeplasma #kde #bookworm #x1 #endeavouros #wayland #debian12 #plasma
Operating System: #EndeavourOS
#KDE #Plasma Version: 5.27.7
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.108.0
Qt Version: 5.15.10
Kernel Version: 6.4.8-arch1-1 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Processors: 4 × Intel® Core™ i7-2640M CPU @ 2.80GHz
Memory: 7.6 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: Mesa Intel® HD Graphics 3000
Manufacturer: LENOVO
Product Name: 4290CTO
System Version: #ThinkPad #X220
#x220 #thinkpad #Plasma #KDE #endeavouros
@raphaelmorgan I use #EndeavourOS as my daily driver (switched from #LinuxMint). It has all the benefits of a rolling release Distro plus the stability of a point release Distro, imho.
Recently installed #EndeavourOS on an old Dell SFF #Optiplex and boy does it run smooth. Still getting acquainted with the lexicon of the distro and #Arch philosophy, overall.
@CiclistaRubio I'm super happy running #EndeavourOS. I can play (nearly) all of my favorite games...