Phylogenetic #endemism of the world’s seed plants
Registration for the 15th International Symposium on Flatworm Biology (24-28 July 2023, CEBIMar, São Sebastião, Brazil) is open:
Presentations on the #biology and #evolution of #flatworms are invited including #taxonomy, #systematics, #phylogeny, #morphology, #naturalhistory, #ecology, #cellularbiology, #molecularbiology and #molecular studies of #regeneration, #aging, #bioadhesion, #endemism, #phylogeography, #developmentalbiology with #model species #platyhelminths ´
#biology #Evolution #flatworms #taxonomy #Systematics #Phylogeny #Morphology #naturalhistory #ecology #cellularbiology #molecularbiology #molecular #regeneration #aging #bioadhesion #endemism #phylogeography #developmentalbiology #model #platyhelminths
Lirong Cai presents her latest predictions of global #plantdiversity patterns and drivers of phylogenetic #endemism at #EcologyMetz2022 Find recent paper on the first part here:
#plantdiversity #endemism #ecologymetz2022
About Battus polydamas:
Although we were amazed by the butterfly, as much as we searched, we could not find its host plant, however, the next day we found this fascinating #EndemicPlant of #Atacama, #Coquimbo and the #MetropolitanRegion of #Chile which was recently revalidated as Aristolochia pearceii, or as the locals call it, "fox ear".
Sobre Battus polydamas:
Si bien quedamos maravilladas por la mariposa, por mucho que buscamos, no pudimos encontrar a su planta hospedera, sin embargo, al día siguiente encontramos esta fascinante #PlantaEndemica de Atacama, Coquimbo y la Región Metropolitana de Chile, la que recientemente fue revalidada como Aristolochia pearceii, o como los lugareños la llaman, "oreja de zorro".
#Biodiversity #HotSpotBiodiversity #HotSpot #Endemism #EndemicFlora
#EndemicPlant #atacama #coquimbo #MetropolitanRegion #Chile #PlantaEndemica #biodiversity #HotSpotBiodiversity #hotspot #endemism #EndemicFlora
#Geodiversity matters: Why geological habitat islands are important for growth and establishment of plants and and to promote #endemism. If you are interesed in more check our our latest publication in biogeosciences:
Geodiversity and biodiversity on a volcanic island: the role of scattered phonolites for plant diversity and performance