@LindaCollins11 a friend of mine told me that he observed that nazis/kkk types often look thirsty when they're marching around which explained why he'd keep a six of Coke cans in his backpack when he counter-protested. He and his friends would deliver them ballistically but that gesture was rarely appreciated.
Personally I've mishandled https://www.amazon.com/Foggy-Mountain-Pure-Skunk-Essence/dp/B07H8K7QDH stuff like that a time or two.
#NazisRaus #EndFacism
Hey Ron, if we're being pithy today how about; "you fash, we smash", will that work honey?
#EndFacism #NazisRaus
@etherdiver @dcbaok @samlavigne punching Nazis is self defense. I lost a reddit account with 40K karma for sharing that fact!
#NazisRaus #EndFacism
@TootSweet I've injested food from chickfila once in my life and entered a walmart four times and purchased something twice. As an adult I've been in Texas twice and spent some money there both times, once on a motorcycle tour and once for a conference. I will not go back again for any reason until they reinstate human rights. Same with Florida and a few other states. I know that there're good people there and in the two businesses I mentioned but I'll go elsewhere, thanks.
#EndFacism #NazisRaus
@CarlG @GottaLaff @JamesGleick this is a specific choice by conservatives, I don't recall why democrat vs democratic means something specific and insulting to them but if #MTG does it with intent then it's motivated by fascism.
@realTuckFrumper 100% projection, literally everything current conservatives say and do is projecting.
@Melody we were correct about him on day one of his candidacy, we just underestimated how many #Facists still lived here.
#facists #nazisraus #endfacism
@TimInHonolulu well now, that's a whole lot of updated stuff now it's it! #EmptyWheel is going to dance on this isn't she!
#EndFacism #NazisRaus
#emptywheel #endfacism #nazisraus
@sjvn admitting that education and books are their enemy is pretty blatant, conservatives and super religious folks used to be more subtle than that!
@ablackcatstail @psychictides I heard an insane radio show while driving across the country the other day that involved rationalizing 1984 as a must-read for right wingers. The host kept saying stuff like " I always thought it was liberal propaganda but it's really conservative education!"
#EndFacism #NazisRaus
@GottaLaff bring it on Steve, you semi-educated sociopath.
#EndFacism #NazisRaus
@jrconlin @BobRobertsonXI @SrRochardBunson @lednabm they'll pretend to not hear the framing and continue on being hypocritical jackasses?
#EndFacism #NazisRaus
I bought this bottle when it looked like the immediate past president would be indicted back in what March or something? One tiki shot glass consumed back then and the second consumed minutes ago, at this point I'll finish the bottle n just a few months!
Of course if a had a shot for each separate indictment that would be half the bottle right now wouldn't it!
#IndictTrumpMore #EndFacism #NazisRaus
#indicttrumpmore #endfacism #nazisraus
@gwynnion at #ATS some of us wore green ribbons informing the organization that pulling out of a contract to hold our conference on Orlando was worth hiring the lawyers and just doing it. Or allies will stand with threatened persons and refuse to attend in that state or any other state with fascist culture.
#EndFacism #NazisRaus
"jurors also heard from defense witness Michael Emanuel aka Michael Graves, a former singer from the punk band The Misfits. Graves became a Proud Boy in 2020 and traveled to D.C. for Jan. 6 though he didn’t march on the Capitol. "
I was never a huge #Misfits fan back in the 80's and really didn't care at all in the 90's when Graves was the singer but the albums I did have just went into the bin and the mp3's are now gone from my VLC playlist and library.
#EndFacism #NazisRaus
#misfits #endfacism #nazisraus
@pivoinebleue well they did cause someone's death after all.....
#EndFacism #NazisRaus
@ErikaSumner @flexghost I came here to mention that as well. Sex work has been around a very long time, essentially as long as humans so I don't have a problem with Boebert doing that work; stay safe, stay clean. I do have a problem with Boebert being a fascist, hypocritical asshole however so there's that.
#EndFacism #NazisRaus