#StopMVP #NoMVP #ClimateEmergency #EndFossilFuel #PeopleOverProfit
Joe Manchin’s a Naughty Squirrel
By Joe Troop
We don’t want the MVP
No we don’t the MVP
Dont you mess with our homes
Leave out waters alone
Shove that pipe up you b-u-t-T
Joe Manchin’s a naughty squirrel
Gets rich off the poor man’s toil
He ain’t like you and me
With his yacht in dc
Where’s he’s shackin up
With big oil
. . .
#StopMVP #nomvp #climateemergency #endfossilfuel #peopleoverprofit
Just signed the letter of over 400 organisations around the world to the global leaders to do what they are mandated according to the Paris agreement.
End of new fossil fuel development.
hashtags: #EndFossilFuel #ClimateChange
Every time I go for a walk and see asphalt and cars, I get that same feeling. Why am I not taking immediate action to stop this?
#ClimateCrisis #EndFossilFuel #FuckCars
#ClimateCrisis #endfossilfuel #fuckcars
@Snoro Petrol should be $80 per liter. Maybe then, fat lazy useless consumers would buy bicycles and e-bikes and stop poisoning the air and covering the earth in asphalt, which is made of toxic waste from oil.
#ClimateCrisis #FuckCars #EndFossilFuel #AspaltIsPoison
#ClimateCrisis #fuckcars #endfossilfuel #aspaltispoison
I have been thinking about a cargo bike. I refuse to own a car, especially if it uses fossil fuels or an electric car heavier than a motorcycle . How much was yours? Where did you get it? I love my mountain bike but a cargo bike would make many projects I am working on easier. I am limited now by what will fit in my backpack.
#BikeTooter #DIY #TheWarOnCars #EndFossilFuel #CarsKill #FuckCars #CargoBike
#BikeTooter #DIY #thewaroncars #endfossilfuel #carskill #fuckcars #cargobike
This flooding, this tragedy of people dying, losing their homes, roads collapsing, general disruption... this is the #ClimateCrisis at 1.1 degrees.
We were aiming to limit this to 1.5, but that goal seems unattainable now.
We are headed to 2.6 degrees unless we radically change course.
That's quite likely a world so different to what we know it may cause our own extinction.
We need to #EndFossilFuel and act on #ClimateChange yesterday.
Nothing is more important.
#ClimateCrisis #endfossilfuel #climatechange
Regarding #EndFossilFuel protests at @erasmusuni & @UvA_Amsterdam:
As an academic staff member, I feel threatened by the idea that police can come on campus/ evacuate buildings/ use violence while I'm there working/teaching.
I'm not threatened by peaceful protests.
#endfossilfuel #occupyeur #academic #academia
Is there anybody who knows what happened exactly with the protesters at @UvA_Amsterdam?
In any case, if you're a public uni, good to remind:
1. Don't get money from companies like Shell
2. Don't call the cops on your students
Friendly reminder that your favorite policymaker — be they local, regional, national, or transnational — can hold accountable the sociopath arsonists burning our world and threatening to bring about our collective extinction just so they can make even more money. Why? Because we can then fund at scale the #ClimateSolutions we already have for the #ClimateCrisis. Here’s how: https://liabilityroadmap.org
#MakeBigPollutersPay #PollutersPay #EndFossilFuel #CorporateAccountability #mapoli #bospoli
#climatesolutions #climatecrisis #makebigpolluterspay #polluterspay #endfossilfuel #corporateaccountability #mapoli #bospoli
Yesterday activists against climate change occupied #erasmusuniversiteit.
Erasmus University called the police in riot gears to deal with a PACIFIC sit-in.
Protesters asked:
- that Erasmus stop receiving money from #Shell
- erase #studentdebts
- better contracts for staff, against #casualization
- #accessibility on campus for disabled people
It is very concerning that a university refuses to listen to these claims
#erasmusuniversiteit #shell #studentdebts #casualization #accessibility #occupyeur #casualleiden #endfossilfuel
Wind turbines kill birds.
While this is true, it misses an important piece of context:
Fossil fuel power plants kill 35x more birds per GWh than wind turbines do.
"The wider use of wind energy can save wildlife and birds as it displaces more harmful sources of electricity."
In other words, the best way to protect birds is to displace fossil fuels. #ClimateAction #EndFossilFuel