"Fino a poco tempo fa chiunque usasse la parola apartheid per descrivere la situazione in Palestina rischiava di essere accusato di antisemitismo. Ma il 6 settembre l’accusa è stata lanciata anche da un ex capo del Mossad, i servizi segreti israeliani." E non solo Non solo il mossad https://hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/03/1114702
#endisraeliapartheid #EndIsraeliCrimes
#endisraeliapartheid #endisraelicrimes
Hier soir, concert de Rogers #Waters à Paname.
#BDS #FreePalestine #endisraeliapartheid #endisraelioccupation
#Waters #bds #freepalestine #endisraeliapartheid #endisraelioccupation
🇮🇱🇵🇸 Pour une paix juste et durable 🕊️
#FreePalestine #EndIsraeliApartheid https://nitter.net/FiAssemblee/status/1654054662608424960
#freepalestine #endisraeliapartheid
RT @AmnestyMENA
Meanwhile Israeli forces have killed two Palestinian children, Mustafa Sabbah and Jibril Kamal, in the past 5 days alone.
Apartheid causes untold grief and suffering to Palestinians, and it must be dismantled.
Apartheid is not just a relic of the past – it is the lived reality for millions of Palestinians today across Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Until apartheid is dismantled Palestinians will continue to face violence and oppression.
#israelisawarcrime #FreePalestine #endisraeliapartheid
🇵🇸 The "Jerusalem Post" has been taken down again by #hackers called "Anonymous Sudan" 🔥
#AnonymousSudan #CyberAttack #OpIsrael #HackerNews #Palestine #CyberSecurity #EndIsraeliApartheid
#endisraeliapartheid #CyberSecurity #Palestine #hackernews #opisrael #CyberAttack #anonymoussudan #Hackers
🇵🇸 Israel Medical Center websites taken Offline by #hackers called "EAGLE CYBER CREW" https://shebaonline.org
#CyberAttack #OpIsrael #HackerNews #CyberSecurity #EndIsraeliApartheid
#endisraeliapartheid #CyberSecurity #hackernews #opisrael #CyberAttack #Hackers
RT @QudsNen
"From the river to the sea Palestine will be free" 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Scenes from the anti-Netanyahu protest today outside Downing Street in London, the UK.
#freepalestinenow #endisraeliapartheid
Today is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, this day is observed to commemorate 69 peaceful anti-apartheid protesters who were killed by South African police in 1960.
On this day, we delivered our global petition, with over 200,000 signatures, calling on Israel to end its apartheid against Palestinians.
Demolish Apartheid, not Palestinian Homes.
Today, Amnesty International offices around the world will deliver petitions signed by more than 200,000 people to Israeli authorities, calling on them to put an end to the demolition of Palestinian homes as a first step towards dismantling apartheid.
RT @OmarSShakir@twitter.com
Honored to stand side-by-side with @HagaiElAd@twitter.com of @btselem@twitter.com & @SJabaren@twitter.com of @alhaq_org@twitter.com in the fight to dismantle Israel's apartheid against Palestinians. #EndIsraeliApartheid
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OmarSShakir/status/1635717258243715072
RT @QudsNen
“This is a moment Madiba [Nelson Mandela] would be proud of. He always said our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians."
🇮🇱🇵🇸Avraham Burg : ancien président d'Israël, de la Knesset et de l’Agence juive. Militant contre la colonisation. Violenté, avec d'autres, par les forces de sécurité et empêché d'aller manifester son soutien à Huwara après le pogrom. Respect !
#EndIsraeliApartheid #FreePalestine https://nitter.net/Avrumburg/status/1631628990057152520
#endisraeliapartheid #freepalestine
Amnesty International: Israel's apartheid against the Palestinians.
#endisraeliapartheid #Israel #palestine
🛑Pour que l'Union européenne cesse de commercer avec les colonies israéliennes en Palestine occupée, qui constituent un crime de guerre selon le droit international, signez et faites signer la pétition #StopColonies👇🏾
#EndIsraeliApartheid #FreePalestine
#stopcolonies #endisraeliapartheid #freepalestine
@RadicalGraffiti used to be I was ashamed at what the US was doing in my name as an American. Now, I'm ashamed of, as a Jew, being thought I have any support for what the Israeli government is doing #EndIsraeliApartheid
Anti-Zionist Jewish activists in Oakland, California, redecorate racist billboards targeting University of California Berkeley law students.
"Welcome Mr. Apartheid".
Pro-Palestine activists from BDS France were out on Friday morning in Paris in solidarity with Palestine and in protest of Israeli occupation's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to France.
The American columnist Peter Beinart states "The truth is that what's going on in the West Bank is apartheid: Jews have citizenship, the right to vote, the right to free movement and the right to be citizens in the country where they live, but Palestinians have NONE of those things"
🛑La colonisation israélienne en Palestine est un crime de guerre selon le droit international. Or, il est toujours possible de vendre des produits de ces colonies dans l’Union européenne. Il faut que cela cesse ! Signez la pétition👉🏾https://stopcolonies.fr/stopcolonies