NFT and ETH are not hugely important in our view. But is. If you are an environmentalist and are against , can we suggest a video?

Search for "Bitcoin vs political power" by a person called Stephan. Its not long.

Then come back and we can discuss more if you like.

The ppl you work with might simply be willfully ignorant because they get first dibs on , dubbed the .

If you're passionate about peace and sustainability check that video.

#endlessGrowth #moneyPrinting #cantilloneffect #bitcoin

Last updated 3 years ago

Hahaha. Yes indeed - they would love that.

In our is constantly found guilty of for questioning the extremely class, who want .

#australia #DickSmith #wrongthink #wealthy #endlessGrowth

Last updated 5 years ago

Thankyou for you introduction.

It's time to , , tax wealthy land holders, and provide a (or ).

In Australia, our say we need to in the of and - and we can't do that while increasing our .

The elite have been getting away with , and for too many decades - we can turn things around :)

#getLocal #decentralise #univeralBasicIncome #ubi #DickSmith #Rethink #endlessGrowth #consumption #resources #energy #population #cronycapitalism #workerExploitation #environmentalAbuses #together

Last updated 5 years ago