Somehow it's a great comfort to me that @scream is present on Mastodon. You never know when you need scream to support your SoMe experience.
#endlessscreaming #mastodon #munchincyberspace
I'm on a train that is missing 4 fucking carriages. It is packed. There are people standing for the last hour. The guy next to me is trying to sleep, so I have been sitting pretty much diagonally in my seat for an hour so as not to disturb him. But inevitably I have to move a bit and when I do he sighs and elbows me. So I have decided to sit normally. Now he is trying to sleep, diagonally. The sighing and elbowing have stopped. #EndlessScreaming #Commuting
For a second there I thought I was looking at something from #EndlessScreaming @scream
Es gibt Tage, an denen ich vor lauter körperlicher und geistiger Erschöpfung nur noch die Tröts von #EndlessScreaming lesen kann. Heute ist so ein Tag. 😒
Es gibt Tage, an denen ich vor lauter körperlicher und geistiger Erschöpfung nur noch die Tröts von #EndlessScreaming lesen kann. Heute ist so ein Tag. 😒
Puhutaan monesti pahana. Mutta ilahduin juuri, kun fiidissä tuli vastaan Twitteristäkin tuttu #EndlessScreaming #botti.
Ikävöin Twitteristä mm. Päivän annos-bottia, Ylekovia, runo-bottia, horosboottia ja Libotia.
Botit voivat olla myös kivaa viihdettä!
#botit #endlessscreaming #botti
I'm trying to cope with discovering that what I thought was a week between the camp trip and the Montreal trip is actually only 3 days. #EndlessScreaming