Check out Quarry Rock this Saturday with #Ammonite, #Endlings, and #Kulfigirls— tickets:
#ammonite #endlings #kulfigirls
Abstract 2/2
Withnessing: multispecies approaches to extinction, testimony, and bodies of water.
… In reading two creative projects by lutruwita / Tasmanian artist Selena de Carvahlo I present strategies for “withnessing” both in water and in search of water alongside the nearly extinct Sepia apama (Australian Gian Cuttlefish), the endling Prasophyllum taphanyx (Graveside Leed Orchid), and the eventually extinct (homo sapien). In reflecting on the capacity of the more-than-human to witness their own extinction (van Dooren, 2017), I also argue that the soon-to-be extinct are able to provide testimony for the death of their witness, the human.
#extinction #orchids #endlings #cuttlefish #witnessing #testimony
#testimony #witnessing #cuttlefish #endlings #orchids #extinction