December 31, 2022. Good morning! It's the last day of the year, tomorrow, we'll wake up to the first day of the 4th year of the pandemic. Will it be the worst year? That depends on you, and me, and the choices everyone makes. Covid isn't unbeatable if we stop helping it ☮️❤️🍁
#GoodMorning #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsNotMild #HappyNewYear #EndOf2022 #WearAMask
#GoodMorning #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #happynewyear #endof2022 #WearAMask
Stardate: 202212.31 ▫ Well, here we are. The end of the year. It's been a whirlwind. Thank you all for being with me. Happy New Year's Eve. 😊🙏🎊🎉 #happy #new #years #eve #2022 #2023 #happynew #yearseve #happynewyears #newyears #happynewyearseve #newyearseve #happynewyear #newyear #endoftheyear #endof2022
#endof2022 #endoftheyear #newyear #happynewyear #newyearseve #HappyNewYearsEve #newyears #happynewyears #yearseve #happynew #eve #years #new #happy
Thank you, 2022!
#2022InReview #endof2022 #thisyear #recap2022
#2022inreview #endof2022 #thisyear #recap2022
RT @listenwivmonger
Excited to be invited back on to @LiskeardRadio again for my annual spin of my favourite tunes of the year so listen in on 1st December from 9.00pm to see what I've got for your ears. #Radio #Endof2022 #TurnOnTuneInDropOut #HearMeRoar #Listen
#listen #hearmeroar #turnontuneindropout #endof2022 #radio