With more than a year to go before the #2024election, a constellation of #conservative organizations is preparing for a possible second #WhiteHouse term for #DonaldTrump, recruiting thousands of #Americans to come to #Washington on a mission to #dismantle the federal #government and replace it with a vision closer to his own.
#GOPfascists #GOPLies #MAGAcult #fascism #authoritarianism #EndOfDemocracy
#2024Election #conservative #whitehouse #DonaldTrump #americans #Washington #dismantle #government #GOPfascists #goplies #MAGAcult #fascism #authoritarianism #endofdemocracy
This is exactly what I've been afraid of. If #Trump is allowed to step foot back in the #WhiteHouse, he will remain there until he dies. And before his condition gets too bad, he will declare that #Barron is his successor for life. The stage will be set for tyrannical Trump rule for the next 70-80 years. America will truly be over.
#GOPfascists #EndOfDemocracy #TrumpCult #TrumpFascism #authoritarianism
#trump #whitehouse #barron #GOPfascists #endofdemocracy #trumpcult #trumpfascism #authoritarianism
The five elements of fascism
And how Trump and much of today's Republican Party embraces them
Robert Reich
Jun 15
How do we describe what Trump wants for America? “Authoritarianism” isn’t adequate. It is “fascism.” Fascism stands for a coherent set of ideas different from — and more dangerous than — authoritarianism. To fight those ideas, it’s necessary to be aware of what they are and how they fit together.
#endofdemocracy #authoritarianism #fascism #trump
Trump believes that, as president, he would have the authority to redefine the 14th Amendment with an executive order. He is a menace, and a clear and present threat to the republic. The Constitution would be nothing but a piece of paper if he's given another term in office. America cannot withstand another 4 years of Trump. It would truly be the end of our nation.
#GOPfascists #TrumpFascism #EndOfDemocracy #Trump2024 #TrumpIsAFascist
#GOPfascists #trumpfascism #endofdemocracy #trump2024 #trumpisafascist
Here's the latest evidence that if #Trump wins the #2024Election, his #presidency will be lawless, unconstitutional enterprise. The man has absolutely no regard for the #Constitution, believing it to be a mere suggestion that he can take or leave. With nothing left to run for or live for, Trump will tear our country apart.
#TrumpFascism #EndOfDemocracy #Trump2024 #fascism #GOPfascists #RepublicansAreTheProblem
#trump #2024Election #presidency #constitution #trumpfascism #endofdemocracy #trump2024 #fascism #GOPfascists #republicansaretheproblem
Trump resumes his inappropriate praise for tyrants. He has an irresistible love for the most brutal, anti-democratic rulers in the world while never missing an opportunity attack American democracy and alienate our allies. There's no question that if returned to the White House, Trump would stop aid to Ukraine, and pull America out of NATO. With nothing to lose, a 2nd Trump presidency would destroy the United States.
#TrumpLies #trump2024 #endofdemocracy #endofamerica
There won't be anymore elections if Trump wins in 2024. He'll invent some insane justification for suspending the Constitution, and declare himself president for life. Then he'll appoint one of his children as his successor, and just like that, our republic will be a thing of the past. I wish I was being hyperbolic, but I sincerely believe that will be our fate if he is allowed to step foot back in the White House.
#GOPfascists #trump2024 #trumpfascism #endofdemocracy
If Oath Keeper founder Stewart Rhodes was pardoned, he'd be out on the streets the next day threatening to take up arms against the government.
Trump has already promised to pardon Rhodes, and every person convicted in relation to the January 6th insurrection. The danger posed to the nation by another Trump presidency is incalculable. We must stop it at all costs.
#TrumpMustBeStopped #EndOfDemocracy #2024election #TrumpFascism #StewartRhodes #OathKeepers #January6th
#trumpmustbestopped #endofdemocracy #2024Election #trumpfascism #stewartrhodes #oathkeepers #January6th
Not the primary point for #TennesseeThree but how much will 2 special elections cost? #GOPisNotThePartyOfFiscalResponsibility #EndOfDemocracy
#tennesseethree #gopisnotthepartyoffiscalresponsibility #endofdemocracy
Which I could find some snippets to post of Rep Justin Jones testimony today in the Tennessee House of Representatives. He is destroying the GOP arguments. Sadly it will likely make no difference.
#tennessee #TN #JustinJones #Fascism #EndOfDemocracy
#tennessee #tn #justinjones #fascism #endofdemocracy
on #BBCNews just now, the #English Work & Pensions Secretary refused to confirm that the English government will respect the judgement of the #SupremeCourt
#independence #scotland #endofdemocracy #wow #supremecourt #english #BBCNews
@Couchinger @sasastanisic Und ich bin grad munter geworden und sehe mit großem Unbehagen dem Ausgang der heutigen #midterm Wahlen und den Folgen dieser Wahlen in den Divided States of America entgegen.
#endofdemocracy #dividedstatesofamerica
#dividedstatesofamerica #endofdemocracy #midterm
Screen New Deal and the World After COVID: a Technological Dystopia? https://www.15-15-15.org/webzine/2020/11/05/screen-new-deal-and-the-world-after-covid-a-technological-dystopia/ #automatedconveniencestores #sustainableanimalhusbandry #ArtificialIntelligence #technologicalcompanies #SocialCreditSystem #technoautoritarism #controloverpeople #onlineeducation #dehumanization #endofdemocracy #relocalization #technofanatism #ScreenNewDeal #telecommuting #cyber-rights #robotization #thenewnormal #5G
#automatedconveniencestores #sustainableanimalhusbandry #artificialintelligence #technologicalcompanies #SocialCreditSystem #technoautoritarism #controloverpeople #onlineeducation #dehumanization #endofdemocracy #relocalization #technofanatism #ScreenNewDeal #telecommuting #cyber #robotization #thenewnormal #5g