Benjamin Egon · @benjamin
92 followers · 1141 posts · Server

Une vidéo de :

[ L’argent, un outil aux nombreuses failles ]

( @mocica pour info)

#nomoney #endofmoney #mocica #sebastienauge

Last updated 1 year ago

Rev. Flan · @RevFlan
127 followers · 1280 posts · Server

Someone was talking about Church of the SubGenius membership benefits and their cat. I looked through the papers and didn't find a pet clause (yet). I'm no expert on this but until I find the pet clause, I'm grabbing as many Church member$hips as I can for my cats. Money is going to be worthless soon. WE ALL KNOW IT. Even if I overdid it with the cat thing, the packets WILL BE the new currency in the future. X-Day is July 5th at 7am!


#endofmoney #allcats #subgenius

Last updated 2 years ago

Rev. Flan · @RevFlan
110 followers · 1236 posts · Server

I wondered about Church of the SubGenius membership benefits and my cat. So, I looked through the policy docs and didn't find a pet clause (yet). I'm no expert but until I find the pet clause, I'm grabbing as many Church member$hips as I can for my cats. Money is going to be worthless soon. WE ALL KNOW IT. Even if I overdo the cat thing, the packets WILL BE the new future currency. The time is now! X-Day is July 5th at 7am!


#endofmoney #allcats #subgenius

Last updated 4 years ago