A single-celled alga called Cryptomonas gyropyrenoidosa has been discovered to contain seven genomes inside its cell, each belonging to a different bacterial species. This is an example of endosymbiosis, where one organism lives inside another and benefits both partners. The seven genomes may help the alga adapt to different environmental conditions and resist infections by other microbes.
#Algae #Genomes #Endosymbiosis
#algae #genomes #endosymbiosis
Single-celled @alga found to harbor seven #genomes.
#endosymbiosis #evolution #Cryptomonas
#genomes #endosymbiosis #evolution #cryptomonas
#Metabolism is not the limiting factor in #prokaryotic #endosymbiosis, shows study.
#metabolism #prokaryotic #endosymbiosis #evolution #eukaryogenesis
My final seminar with the #UniMelbourne colours and design. It was fun to speak at the #CambridgeUniversity #Endosymbiosis Seminar. Thank you very much for the invitation Sebastian Schornack, and thanks to everyone who attended and joined the discussion - I enjoyed it at lot. 🙂
#unimelbourne #CambridgeUniversity #endosymbiosis #spatialimmunity
In #evolution we often think about the loss of #genes occurring with transition to an #endosymbiotic lifestyle - this new research on the bacterial phylum Chlamydiae suggests the opposite is also occurring namely gain of genes associated with #metabolism.
New research in Nature Microbiology on
#evolution #genes #endosymbiotic #metabolism #microbiology #bacteria #endosymbiosis
Every type of #symbiosis that one would want to teach about or learn in middle school or high school - examples of #mutualism, #commensalism, #parasitism, #endosymbiosis, #ectosymbiosis
#science #STEM #NGSS #highschoolteachers #scienceteachers
#symbiosis #mutualism #commensalism #parasitism #endosymbiosis #ectosymbiosis #science #stem #ngss #highschoolteachers #ScienceTeachers
Every type of #symbiosis that one would want to teach about or learn in middle school or high school - examples of #mutualism, #commensalism, #parasitism, #endosymbiosis, #ectosymbiosis
#science #STEM #NGSS #highschoolteachers #scienceteachers
#symbiosis #mutualism #commensalism #parasitism #endosymbiosis #ectosymbiosis #science #stem #ngss #highschoolteachers #ScienceTeachers
Paper alert 🚨
Euplotes' endosymbiont 'Ca. Nebulobacter yamunensis' cannot survive out of its host, yet its genome shows extreme molecular and functional similarities to that of the free-living Fastidiosibacter lacustris (bacteria) ...
How could this be? these two have striking differences in their lifestyles ...
Could their study help understand the earliest stages in the evolution of #endosymbiosis ?
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
#endosymbiosis #protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
"These endosymbiont-targeted proteins (ETPs) include two proteins annotated as dynamin-like protein and peptidoglycan hydrolase that form a ring-shaped structure around the endosymbiont division site that remarkably resembles organellar division machineries."
Morales et al @CurrentBiology
Paper alert 🚨
Report of a novel “Ca. Trichorickettsia” representative, #Endosymbiont of the #Ciliate Pseudokeronopsis (Spirotrichea, Urostylida)
#Endosymbiont #ciliate #protists #MicrobialEukaryotes #endosymbiosis
Mastodon and #Science Career newbie.
I'm looking for #scientists and #ScienceCommunication people to follow about #MarineBiology #DeepSea #DeepSeaMining #BiologicalServices #systemsbiology and I have a scholarly interest in #Endosymbiosis , #Bacteriosomes #OrganelleDevelopment (and hope to get a gig either in the lab or in the field figuring stuff out that we don't know yet, but that's after I finish my degree)
#science #scientists #sciencecommunication #marinebiology #deepsea #DeepSeaMining #biologicalservices #systemsbiology #endosymbiosis #bacteriosomes #organelledevelopment
Hey, the International Societiy for Evolutionary Protistology virtual meeting will be held on 19/20 January 2023 . Deadline to submit abstract is Nov. 19/2022
Information: https://t.co/Pq97b1crNl
#ISEP #protists #symbiosis #endosymbiosis #parasites #MicrobialEukaryotes #microbiology
#microbiology #MicrobialEukaryotes #parasites #endosymbiosis #symbiosis #protists #isep
Hey!, to help connect with others that share similar interests: name several things that interest you and arent in your profile. Use hashtags to make them searchable and ... dont't forget to boost this post 😍
here I go:
#startrek #QuantumBiology #Metamonada #Alveolata #MicrobialEukaryotes #endosymbiosis #proteomics #evolution
How many host proteins do mitochondria-related organelles (MROs), which lack a genome, import? Not many. Here is a super cool paper that uses spatial proteomics to show that the MRO of an oxymonad has only 31 proteins in it! They all seem to be involved in providing small C compounds to the cytosol. (No Fe-S synthesis!) Cool stuff from Vladimír Hampl and colleagues.
#endosymbiosis #organelles #protists #SpatialProteomics #LOPIT #metabolism
#metabolism #LOPIT #SpatialProteomics #protists #organelles #endosymbiosis
Diversity is key for understanding #Apicomplexans & #Dinoflagellates
Check this out: https://cell.com/trends/parasitology/fulltext/S1471-4922(22)00221-5. It is a summary of topics discussed at CJM4, new tools and technologies driving the opportunities for discovery and understanding in #Myzozoa #protists #parasites #endosymbiosis
#endosymbiosis #parasites #protists #Myzozoa #Dinoflagellates #Apicomplexans