And these are not participants on the edge of death needing to reverse disease.
The trouble with heart disease is that the first so many people know about it is they don't: they're dead from their first heart attack.
#WFPBD #NoOil #Fat #Diet #Nutrition #HeartHealth #HeartDisease #CardiovascularDisease #Endothelium #Cholesterol #Food
#wfpbd #nooil #fat #diet #nutrition #hearthealth #heartdisease #cardiovasculardisease #endothelium #cholesterol #food
URGENT/BREAKING: UPDATED SUMMATION: The #Spike #Protein of SARS-CoV-2 is “Delivered” to #All #Organs via the #Endothelium and #Induces #Systemic #Nonsense #mRNA #Translations #Resulting in #Hyperaccelerated #Aging.
The Spike Protein, in Essence, Acts as a Progeria Drug
#spike #protein #all #organs #endothelium #induces #systemic #nonsense #mrna #translations #resulting #hyperaccelerated #aging
In this Future Leader #Review, Nidhi Yadunandanan Nair and colleagues discuss how endothelial #actin structures and actin-mediated force generation coordinate the multi-step angiogenic process:
Find out more about how to propose your own Future Leader Review here:
#Angiogenesis #Vasculature #Endothelium #Science #BiologyOpen #Biology #AcademicMastodon
#review #actin #angiogenesis #vasculature #endothelium #Science #biologyopen #biology #AcademicMastodon
"There is limited reendothelialization at the injured site within 1 month of balloon angioplasty while extensive reendothelialization occurs between 1 and 5 months. Reendothelialization is typically completed 5 months after PTCA."
#repairingcoviddamage #endothelium #Angioplasty #COVID19
I feel much sorrow for her losing her spouse💔& it might be a coping mechanism to deny this was #Covid related but it’s #absolutely #bonkers to flat out dismiss this as NOT related to #sarscov2
Tbh I’m kind of upset that she, a #MD doesn’t understand that this #virus at its very core is an #endothelium issue b/c if she doesn’t understand HOW WILL NON MDs get it?!?!
I typed in Google #endothelium #aorta #rupture & a #plethora of articles & #science showed up
#covid #absolutely #bonkers #sarscov2 #md #virus #endothelium #aorta #rupture #plethora #Science
Looking forward to my #postdoc Ramon discussing today his latest findings on #transcription and #epigenetics in #inflammation and #shock, hosted by
He wants to understand how epigenetic changes in the #endothelium may drive long-term sequelae in post-intensive care syndrome
You can join for free at and find some of his data on his #preprint at
#postdoc #transcription #epigenetics #inflammation #shock #endothelium #preprint
A novel study we contributed to provides the first detailed analysis of 3D #chromatin organisation changes during the development of #endothelium, and how they correlate with gene expression regulations. The study also compares these dynamics with those we previously reported for #cardiomyocytes. Kudos Kris and Katie for spearheading this work! #UW #ISCRM #4DNucleome
#4dnucleome #iscrm #UW #cardiomyocytes #endothelium #chromatin
I am aware #endothelium
Blood vessels are everywhere
I texted him specifically to let him know not to do cardio
Building awareness is a process
Overwhelming people w/ info doesn’t always work & some people need to come to understanding on their own.. I trust he will get there
I knew since day 1 about it affecting the kidneys via experiencing it; no tests needed but it reminded me of the time I food poisoned myself & I had people close to me suffer pre-#pandemic #CKD
Is #Novavax after 2 #mRNA shots a miracle cure? No, it isn’t. BUT if you put other #NPI #mitigations in place, will it help you take in more #viralInhalationDose before you get sick? #Anecdote #IMHO yes, I believe it does & the #science seems to back it up too
I’m still what the entire🌎would call #absurd in my caution, but when there’s an #endothelium destroying #airborneVirus #SARS2 floating out there, is there such a thing? #AirbornePrecautions #begBorrowSteal #vaccine
#novavax #mRNA #NPI #mitigations #viralinhalationdose #anecdote #IMHO #Science #absurd #endothelium #airbornevirus #SARS2 #AirbornePrecautions #begborrowsteal #vaccine
But again IMHO the remaining #SARS2 virus in reservoirs is most likely just slowly destroying YOUR #endothelium
As HS dropout who got suspended the module I was supposed to take first 1/2 of Bio101, I’m science #illiterate but making up for it now!
I DO have a crazy imagination for #germs tho; this video both awestruck & simultaneously freaks me tf out
Aging no biggie
Aging badly & quickly like David Bowie in The Hunger.. no thank you #reinfection
#SARS2 #endothelium #illiterate #germs #reinfection
"The endothelium is a vertebrate specific specialization of the circulatory system that enabled a critical new level of vasoregulation. The evolutionary origin of these endothelial cells is unclear. We hypothesized that Mir-126, an endothelial cell-specific microRNA may be informative."
#preprint #development #endothelium #evolution
Hi #ScienceMastodon. Have you already seen the latest post @preLights? 📜
It has been written by #AarrenMannion #KarolinskaInstitutet who covers the #preprint from the lab of Anne-Clémence Vion working at the #InstitutThorax. In this work, the team of researchers show the importance of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor, ARHGEF18, in regulating endothelial cell alignment in the direction of flow. 🌊
#sciencemastodon #aarrenmannion #KarolinskaInstitutet #preprint #institutthorax #biophysics #cellbiology #endothelium #bloodflow #force
Here's my #introduction -
#Scientist and Associate Professor at the Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Albany Medical College.
I research the mechanisms of #vascular #dysfunction leading to organ damage during severe #inflammation (e.g. #sepsis and septic #shock ) and its sequelae ( #kidney damage, #CognitiveDysfunction ). Working to find ways to prevent this by tackling the changes in the #endothelium. Interested in all things #signal #transduction and #transcriptional regulation
#introduction #scientist #vascular #dysfunction #inflammation #sepsis #shock #kidney #cognitivedysfunction #endothelium #signal #transduction #transcriptional