Is the Endowment Effect Due to Incomparability?
"The is the finding that merely owning an item seems to make people value it more. It’s a problem for standard economic models, and helped spur the rise of . But a simple generalization of those standard models—one that philosophers have long defended—can explain the empirical data."

#behavioraleconomics #endowmenteffect

Last updated 1 year ago

Expected subjective value theory: A representation of decision under risk & certainty
"…sheds new light on the computational origins & evolution of attitudes & aversion to outcomes below reward expectation (reference point)
…delivers novel explanations of the , the observed in probability weighting functions, & the , all with fewer parameters & higher descriptive accuracy than ."

#prospecttheory #allaisparadox #heterogeneity #endowmenteffect #risk

Last updated 1 year ago
3 new facts that contradict standard theories:
* the endowment effect is unrelated to for risky prospects;
* WTA & WTP are largely uncorrelated;
* WTA & WTP are related to different, independent features of risk preferences.
…results contradict the standard explanation of the in that it is due to an asymmetry in the treatment of gains and losses is manifest in loss aversion for risky prospects.

#BoundedRationality #behavioraleconomics #endowmenteffect #lossaversion

Last updated 2 years ago

The Endowment Effect in the General Population

A field experiment on the German SocioEconomic Panel reveals that the is present in a representative population sample, with only 32% of respondents engaging in item exchange when given the opportunity. …also finds individual-level indications that the decision to trade is related to other economic decisions.

#BoundedRationality #ExperimentalEcon #endowmenteffect

Last updated 2 years ago