@thehill I think I played this game in the 80s in our gifted class in Georgia… at the time I was super excited and thought it would bring in a time where campaigns would be reduced, and candidates would be platforming on ideals and their voting record. I was 13…#CampaignFinanceReform #GiveCopsRaises #FireBadCops #BustCorruptCopUnion (the only union you’ll note #Redteam heeds) #endPeemawar #popthePatriarchy #theGoodKings #EndPrisonProfit #GreenNewDeal #Sigh.
#campaignfinancereform #givecopsraises #firebadcops #bustcorruptcopunion #redteam #endpeemawar #popthepatriarchy #thegoodkings #endprisonprofit #greennewdeal #sigh