⚠️ "The key to solving the plastics crisis and promoting transformative change may lie in the South Asian region."
As countries prepare to meet this month to work on the first global agreement to end plastic pollution, the perspectives of South Asia must be heard loud and clear.
✍️ Dharmesh Shah reports
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#PlasticsTreaty #INC2 #StopPlasticPollution #plastics #southasia #pollution #asia #environment #endplastic #plasticscrisis
#plasticstreaty #inc2 #stopplasticpollution #plastics #SouthAsia #pollution #asia #environment #endplastic #plasticscrisis
At a tour of ECO Skywater this week in Barbados, I learned that this bottle is made entirely from sugar, with the label printed using food coloring, and it composts in something like 30 days, so no landfill.
So, Coca Cola, and others, get serious about sustainability.