Das #aws security team schlägt als Lösung vor #vpc #endpoints für Systems Manager zu aktivieren.
Durch VPC Endpoints können Dienste über AWS #PrivateLink angebunden werden. Hierdurch wird der Dienst nicht über seine öffentliche sondern eine private IP Adresse aus dem VPC angesprochen, wodurch wiederum sichergestellt ist, dass nur der Systems Manager Service des eigenen Accounts kontaktiert wird.
#aws #vpc #endpoints #privatelink
Have you heard of OpenAPI Tags? They are a great way to organize the #endpoints in your API Contract based on #OpenAPI standard.
We cover the topic with pratical and live examples you can interact with in our new article. Read it here: https://bump.sh/blog/openapi-tags-organize-endpoints?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=technical_blog
Using #DLP with #Defender for Endpoint #Endpoints
Like other DLP policies, Endpoint DLP monitors and blocks activities the engine identifies as potential evidence for data leakage. There is one thing you need to remember if you plan to use EDM or Named Entities as part [...]
https://bit.ly/3MMpfV0 #DLP #policy #endpoint #Microsoft #support
Source: Microsoft Tech Community Office 365 Blog
#dlp #defender #endpoints #policy #endpoint #microsoft #support
We ask #ChatGPT about an oft overlooked policy that you should be putting in place when using #VPC #Endpoints in #AWS. Do NOT inadvertently allow access to other tenants' resources!
FOLLOW US as we explore cloud network security with #AI.
#chatgpt #vpc #endpoints #aws #ai #awssecurity
While #GCP make it more obvious, I have always suspected that #VPC #endpoints in #AWS are actually NAT instances behind the scenes simply translating network addresses. Reason being they take so long to spin up and shut down🤔
But why would anybody charge exorbitantly for just NAT😬
offsec.tools - A vast collection of security tools
#CyberSecurity #osint #pentest #scanner #cve #vulnerabilities #burpsuite #endpoints #passwords #cloud #secrets #fuzzing #dns #ips #framework #network #directories #crawler #screeenshots #git #cms #allinone #proxy #probing
#cybersecurity #osint #pentest #scanner #cve #vulnerabilities #burpsuite #endpoints #passwords #cloud #secrets #fuzzing #dns #ips #framework #network #directories #crawler #screeenshots #git #cms #allinone #proxy #probing
Check it out.
Microsoft Visual Studio now has Endpoints Explorer feature to show you all the endpoints available in your ASP.NET Core project.
This is a preview feature that you can enable by simply searching on the top search bar for Endpoints Explorer - super simple and easy to use.
This feature is available in Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3.0
#visualstudio #dotnet #csharp #endpoints #apis
#ThreatActors launched a massive campaign that spoofs the AnyDesk site to infect #endpoints with Vidar information-stealing #malware.
#InfoSec #CyberSecurity
#threatactors #endpoints #malware #infosec #cybersecurity