@Pece there’s a programmed part of me that thinks animal manipulation is the damning end of civilization …pleating Assange, it’s more of an “everything” vibe - even if there is information, the information is controlled by egos and attachment. I like to throw my tenants around liberally: #endPrisonProfit #proChoice #EndTheFed save the Earth … get #jimmyCarter with energy and free speech… yet I know it’s been tried before all of it French Revolution, #ansonBurlingame #theGoodKings
#endprisonprofit #prochoice #endthefed #JimmyCarter #ansonburlingame #thegoodkings
And then, of course, you imagine all the kind human beings that are sweet to the dolphins, kind of like prison guards who are nicer than others #endPrisonProfit #ENDTHEFED #greenNewDeal … or??????!!!! #quelleTrajectory
#endprisonprofit #endthefed #greennewdeal #quelletrajectory
@mattburgess testing testing #permawar is #profit #endPrisonProfit
#permawar #profit #endprisonprofit
I really adored #caseydesantis apt metaphor about #datenight with #ronDeSantis at the #iowacaucus : ~this is what we do, like all couples, we get dressed up and are finery go out to the local feeding trough, and try to be envied and at the head of the feeding frenzy in this latest #rome you know the things that matter…ego and envy lust! …#sigh #internalfamilysystems #theGoodKings #proLife4Trees #endqualifiedimmunity #endthefed #giveCopsRaises #fireBadCops #BustCorruptCopUnion #endPrisonProfit
#caseydesantis #datenight #rondesantis #iowacaucus #rome #sigh #internalfamilysystems #thegoodkings #prolife4trees #endqualifiedimmunity #endthefed #givecopsraises #firebadcops #bustcorruptcopunion #endprisonprofit
https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/rapper-moneysign-suede-dies-in-california-prison-17921251.php My blood boils, #endPrisonProfit (Hillary, one of the reasons you were out of my realm was your support of prison profit growth) This dude died, because he was in prison at my tax dollar for TWO YEARS +possessing a gun. #WTF
@thehill I think I played this game in the 80s in our gifted class in Georgia… at the time I was super excited and thought it would bring in a time where campaigns would be reduced, and candidates would be platforming on ideals and their voting record. I was 13…#CampaignFinanceReform #GiveCopsRaises #FireBadCops #BustCorruptCopUnion (the only union you’ll note #Redteam heeds) #endPeemawar #popthePatriarchy #theGoodKings #EndPrisonProfit #GreenNewDeal #Sigh.
#campaignfinancereform #givecopsraises #firebadcops #bustcorruptcopunion #redteam #endpeemawar #popthepatriarchy #thegoodkings #endprisonprofit #greennewdeal #sigh