Brian · @mammut
39 followers · 561 posts · Server

have ceased to be .
BUT we .
WE CAN do something.

“…we need never read of another. One is enough. If you are acquainted with the principle, what do you care for a myriad instances and applications?”
Henry David

#school #shootings #news #must #care #thoreau #walden #gunviolence #guncontrol #guncontrolnow #gunreformnow #violence #schoolshooting #endschoolshootings #children #dosomething

Last updated 2 years ago

Bohemian Peasant · @BohemianPeasant
20 followers · 640 posts · Server

First grade teacher Abby Zwermer is fighting for her life after being shot by a 6-year-old student.

Wtf!? Parents of the six-year-old need to be held accountable - arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent. They should be in jail yesterday.

The gun culture in the US desperately needs complete overhaul with gun safety put front and center. Ending the fetishization of firearms is essential.

#endschoolshootings #virginia #killthenra #StopGunViolence

Last updated 2 years ago