Your end-stage capitalism quote for today:
"What is the robbing of a bank compared to the founding of a bank?"
- Bertolt Brecht
"Car companies are on the forefront of postcapitalism, and they understand that digital is the key to rent-extraction."
#enshittification #autoenshittification #rentextraction #latestagecapitalism #endstagecapitalism
#enshittification #autoenshittification #rentextraction #latestagecapitalism #endstagecapitalism
Uh, huh.
They're all the same. Premium was my answer to endless ads on YT. One of the 'tubers I interact with says he gets more revenue from a "Premium" view than a view with ads, which made me happy. I will have to ask him if his take is going to increase by a like amount.
#trwouldntputupwiththis #endstagecapitalism #eattherich
First pic: When your air quality is this…
Second pic: … and your outdoors looks like this…
Third pic: …your furnace filter looks like this (and boy do you go through A LOT of them if running air conditioning).
Skye is safe inside. 💜 I had to wear a mask just to water the garden and flowers outside today. 😔
#abfires #albertaforestfires #endstagecapitalism
The #Sony #Playstation store is the absolutely worst user experience, ever.
- no game reviews
- zero user feedback
- no returns/refunds
One of this month's titles requires 325gb of your storage space! Just, nope.
#sony #playstation #endstagecapitalism
Chatted Up | The Nib
#TomTomorrow #TheNib #ChatBot #EndStageCapitalism #LargeAssLanguageModels #LargeLanguageModels
#largelanguagemodels #largeasslanguagemodels #endstagecapitalism #chatbot #thenib #tomtomorrow
‘They’re afraid their AIs will come for them’: Doug Rushkoff on why tech billionaires are in escape mode | #Artificialintelligence (AI) | #TheGuardian
#AI #billionaires #exterminism #endstagecapitalism #theguardian #artificialintelligence
@cenobyte Air quality in Edmonton is even more dangerous today 😔. Everything is yellow and dark when it should be a clear, bright, blue-sky-and-sunshine day. 😔 #EndStageCapitalism
It's like the megacorps are now just making up processes that are *designed* to annoy the customer and make their own fleshdrones look stupid.
@sam agreed this is beyond #capitalism, we're into deep #EndStageCapitalism at this point
#capitalism #endstagecapitalism
Pundit says First Republic Bank's "situation is unique" as it craters. Funny. All these one-off, once-in-a-lifetime, unique catastrophes. Feels like watching a decrepit old kaiju stumbling and falling in painfully slow motion. And all we can do is run in a straight line under its growing shadow. #bankingCrisis #endStageCapitalism
#bankingcrisis #endstagecapitalism
Collapsed #SignatureBank Made Risky Loans to #PredatoryLandlords
Despite its #crypto notoriety, itis a far larger player in the housing market. Housing advocates are highlighting how it fueled #NYC's #HousingCrisis by funding #predatory #landlords. #capitalism #EndStageCapitalism
#signaturebank #predatorylandlords #crypto #nyc #HousingCrisis #predatory #landlords #capitalism #endstagecapitalism
My grocery store stopped carrying French butter. 😢 #latestagecapitalism #endstagecapitalism #CapitalismIsKillingYou
#latestagecapitalism #endstagecapitalism #capitalismiskillingyou