I'm a #libertarian - Economic score 90 Personal score 90 https://www.theadvocates.org/quiz/?type=libertarian
#ejolmedia #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #blexit #theejforlibertyblog #theejforlibertyshow
#libertarian #ejolmedia #ejforliberty #ejfl #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #blexit #theejforlibertyblog #theejforlibertyshow
Don’t be fooled, people. This narrative is CLEARLY one-sided.
@TheDemocrats are the “let the govt take care of you” party, where govt PAYS for everything, but we get higher taxes.
In short, WE THE TAXPAYERS are truly paying for everything. #endtheduopoly #twopartyscam #ejfl
#endtheduopoly #twopartyscam #ejfl
Yeah, drugs can run your life, but the government doesn't have to be the social hangman.
#legalizeit #freetheweed #ejolmedia #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly
#legalizeit #freetheweed #ejolmedia #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly
The sooner we take morality out of current laws and legislation, the better we can become as a society.
Pray for our nation, yes! But also pray for equality, opportunity, & most of all - freedom! Freedom from tyranny and social oppression. #livefree #ejolmedia #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #blexit #theejforlibertyblog #theejforlibertyshow
#livefree #ejolmedia #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #blexit #theejforlibertyblog #theejforlibertyshow
South Carolina bill could make death penalty possible punishment for abortion
https://www.wbtw.com/news/politics/south-carolina-bill-could-make-death-penalty-possible-punishment-for-abortion/ • #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #blexit #wbtv #righttolife #reproductivehealth #abortion #prolife #prochoice #plannedparenthood #abortionrights #mybodymychoice #antiabortion #chooselife #reproductiverights #roevwade
#ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #blexit #wbtv #righttolife #reproductivehealth #abortion #prolife #prochoice #plannedparenthood #abortionrights #mybodymychoice #antiabortion #chooselife #reproductiverights #roevwade
#FiveYearsLater, and I STILL wonder this. #repost: @ejolmusic • “I wonder if the world sees #USA as basically "Los Angeles/NYC" LOL” #FlyOverStates #FiveYearsAgo #TimeHop #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly
#fiveyearslater #repost #usa #flyoverstates #fiveyearsago #timehop #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly
Live and let live.
#ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #blexit #theejforlibertyblog #theejforlibertyshow
#ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #blexit #theejforlibertyblog #theejforlibertyshow
While #TheDemocrats would like you to think that it’s just a #GOP problem as to what’s wrong with our country, let’s not forget who wants to raise the debt ceiling.
Can you arbitrarily raise your credit limit when you max out your finances? Then why should the government get a #freepass to do so?
#ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #theejforlibertyblog #theejforlibertyshow #EndTheFed
#thedemocrats #gop #freepass #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #theejforlibertyblog #theejforlibertyshow #endthefed
I often come across electoral reformers that want to argue. I get it. You have a favorite method, and you want everybody else to like it as well.
To truly further #Electoral Reform and #EndTheDuopoly, however, you need to:
1) spend more time on outreach than arguing
2) campaign *positively* for your favored method (i.e., don't attack other alternate methods -- it's impossible for a voting system to be perfect, so don't go down that rabbit hole).
Else you unwittingly help the duopoly persist!
"To help make connections: name 5-7 (-20) things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same."
#ProportionalRepresentation #RankedChoiceVoting #burningman #DPW
#Libertarian #EndTheFed #EndQualifiedImmunity #EndNoKnockWarrants #EndAssetForfeiture #DemilitarizeThePolice #EndTheDuopoly #StarVoting #econtwitter #PoliSciTwitter #RStats #InternationalRelations
Via @XenoDangerEvil
#proportionalrepresentation #RankedChoiceVoting #burningman #dpw #libertarian #endthefed #EndQualifiedImmunity #endnoknockwarrants #endassetforfeiture #demilitarizethepolice #endtheduopoly #starvoting #econtwitter #poliscitwitter #rstats #internationalrelations
With #RankedChoiceVoting:
(1) Candidates need broader support.
(2) You can vote for who you want & have that vote actually matter.
(3) More diverse & representative candidates get elected.
—From: Ranked Choice NY #RankedChoiceNY
Learn more at
#EndTheDuopoly #democracy #instantrunoff #thirdparty #independent #independents #RCV #politics
#RankedChoiceVoting #rankedchoiceny #endtheduopoly #democracy #instantrunoff #thirdparty #independent #independents #rcv #politics
Maine recognizes #MaineForwardParty as a qualifying Party! You can register as Forward or Forward Party in Maine to help us achieve our goal, gaining party status by registering 5,000 Maine voters by Jan '24. Join us as we work to bring positivity & unity back into our politics.—From Maine Forward Party
Learn more about the Maine Forward Party at
#ForwardParty #ThirdParty #Maine #Democracy #Independent #Independents #EndTheDuopoly
#maineforwardparty #forwardparty #thirdparty #maine #democracy #independent #independents #endtheduopoly
It’s great that #BrittanyGriner is being released, but it’s highly hypocritical that the people who fought for her freedom are the very same who locked up MILLIONS of minorities for the same thing that #Russia locked her up for.
#ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #blexit #freetheweed #legalizeit #joebiden #kamalaharris #endthefda
#brittanygriner #russia #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #conservative #liberal #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #blexit #freetheweed #legalizeit #joebiden #kamalaharris #endthefda
Oh, the hypocrisy our government bathes in. A truly duopolistic collaboration. #endtheduopoly
Posted by #HannahCox on Twitter.
#usa #july4th #freedom #peopleoverpolitics #endtheduopoly #representus #thirdparty
#usa #july4th #freedom #peopleoverpolitics #endtheduopoly #representus #thirdparty
Well hi! Dipping my toes into the Mastodon waters as I watch El*n burn down Twitter. I live in #SanFrancisco and believe in #medicareforall #greennewdeal #unionyes #endtheduopoly and #followthemoney
#sanfrancisco #medicareforall #greennewdeal #unionyes #endtheduopoly #followthemoney