Trump is a Russian asset...or Russia is a Trump asset.
#StopTrumpNow #EndTheGOP #Russia #Trump #GOPTraitors
Russia Helps Trump by Refusing to Remove Doxxing of at Least 23 Georgia Jurors
#goptraitors #Trump #Russia #endthegop #stoptrumpnow
LOL. Fuck all you Republicans!
#EvilGOP #GOPTraitors #GOPCowards #EndTheGOP #Trump #2024
Republicans Could Get Destroyed If They Nominate Trump New Data Suggests
#Trump #endthegop #gopcowards #goptraitors #evilgop
And Jesus said: "Fuck up those who are less fortunate."
#GOPLiars #GOPSociopaths #EndTheGOP #VoteBlue
House Republicans invoke Bible defending Greg Abbott’s 'barbaric' razor wire and circular saw buoys
#VoteBlue #endthegop #gopsociopaths #GOPLiars
America is fighting back at the state level! #SaveDemocracy #EndTheGOP #GOPTraitors
Oregon Republicans Who Skipped Town to Block Votes Will Be Barred From Office
#goptraitors #endthegop #savedemocracy
J. Michael Luttig, a conservative retired federal judge and key adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence, declared on Wednesday that “there is no Republican Party,” CNN reports.
Said Luttig: “American democracy simply cannot function without two equally healthy and equally strong political parties. So today, in my view, there is no Republican Party to counter the Democratic Party in the country. And for that reason, American democracy is in grave peril.”
#VoteBlueToSaveThePlanet #VoteBlue #NeverAgainTrump #EndTheGOP
How democracy will die the first month of the next Trump presidency
#endthegop #neveragaintrump #VoteBlue #votebluetosavetheplanet
It appear that 99.9% of Americans doubt #GOP claims that enslaved people reaped the benefits of their enslavement. So Tom Cotton would like to welcome you to his MasterClass. #Slavery #GOPLiars #GOPTraitors #Racism #TomCotton #VoteBlueForFreedom #EndTheGOP
#endthegop #voteblueforfreedom #tomcotton #Racism #goptraitors #GOPLiars #slavery #gop
Republicans are all in on freeing their criminal dictator. #EndTheGOP #ArrestTheGOP
Republicans are unfit to hold elected office. And Donald Trump MUST NEVER BE PRESIDENT AGAIN. #ArrestTrumpNow #EndTheGOP #GOPFascists #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #NeverRFK
'He will free them all': Rick Wilson warns of mass pardons for January 6th enablers if Trump is reelected
#neverrfk #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #GOPfascists #endthegop #ArrestTrumpNOW
The @GOP #MAGA today - most being descendants of the old Confederacy - are traitors to the United States of America.. & have been for more than a century. It is LONG PAST time to #EndTheGOP...
Truth be told, the party looks ridiculous with or without the loyalty pledge! #EndTheGOP #NeverGOP #VoteBlue
With Trump's federal indictment, RNC loyalty pledge makes party look patently ridiculous
#VoteBlue #nevergop #endthegop
The Republican Party, controlled by House MAGAts, is hopelessly lost. All we can do is try to neutralize them. #GOPTraitors #GOPLiars #GOPFrauds #EndTheGOP
House Republicans Rally Behind Trump, Adopting His False Narrative About the Indictment | GIFT LINK | 09-JUN-2023
#endthegop #gopfrauds #GOPLiars #goptraitors
Based on Kevin McCarthy's charges of "Witch Hunt" regarding Trump's federal criminal indictment, we that the Republican party will continue to give America more of the same. Americans don't have to wait any longer.
Conservatives & @GOP STILL worship Reagan??
He committed #Treason to win in 1980, beating out Carter - a GOOD MAN!
The racist destroyed federal govt power over states & revived #Fascist Confederate values.
He cut Corp taxes (our revenue!) from 70 to 28% & taxed #SocialSecurity! #EndTheGOP
#treason #fascist #socialsecurity #endthegop
It's true! But we have to show up.
#BuryMAGA2024 #EndTheGOP
Democrats can bury MAGA in 2024
'Manufactured MAGA madness': House Dems slam GOP for 'running out of town' to trigger 'economic meltdown' #GOPTraitors #GOP #EndTheGOP
I get it--none of them ever went to school.
#GOPObstructionists #GOP #EndTheGOP #VoteBlueIfYouWantAnEducation
216 Republicans vote to undo student loan relief for 43 million Americans
#voteblueifyouwantaneducation #endthegop #gop #gopobstructionists
But remember: there are only 22 registered Republicans remaining!
#VoteBlueToSaveEveryone #EndTheGOP
More than 8 in 10 Republicans either supporting or would consider backing Trump and DeSantis: poll
#endthegop #votebluetosaveeveryone
Because all black people look alike to White Nationalist Republicans.
#EndTheGOP #GOPRacists #VoteBlueToSaveEveryone
Fla. school yanks Amanda Gorman poem over complaint from one parent who "confused" her with “Oprah"
#votebluetosaveeveryone #gopracists #endthegop