RT @CatoInstitute
The Jones Act is best understood as a form of self‐sabotage that disrupts domestic commerce and imposes higher costs on American businesses and consumers. https://bit.ly/3nuDNPj #CatoTrade #EndTheJonesAct
RT @CatoTrade
Supporters claim that reforming or repealing the Jones Act would destroy the domestic industry and imperil national security, but these doomsday scenarios are far‐fetched, @scottlincicome writes: https://bit.ly/3yWiNmT
RT @CatoTrade
The best way to address the many harms inflicted by the Jones Act is to change the Jones Act, not throw more money at the problem in the name of industrial policy, @cpgrabow and @scottlincicome write: https://bit.ly/3kMVWGA
RT @CatoTrade
Seeking to ameliorate the Jones Act's harms by simply throwing more money at the problem in the name of industrial policy is a surefire formula for more economic heartburn and weaker national security, @cpgrabow and @scottlincicome write: https://bit.ly/3kMVWGA
RT @CatoTrade@twitter.com
The Jones Act is unfair, outdated, and ineffective in meeting its stated goals. By any reasonable standard, it should have been done away with long ago, @cpgrabow@twitter.com writes. https://bit.ly/3F2dVAD
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CatoTrade/status/1619704453879193600
RT @CatoTrade
Seeking to ameliorate the Jones Act's harms by simply throwing more money at the problem in the name of industrial policy is a surefire formula for more economic heartburn and weaker national security, @cpgrabow and @scottlincicome write: https://bit.ly/3kMVWGA
RT @CatoInstitute
The Dominican Republic has imported close to 100% of its fuel from the U.S. since 2019. In contrast, the U.S. mainland only accounted for 4.1% of Puerto Rico’s total propane imports in 2021.
The reason? The Jones Act. https://fal.cn/3viXY #CatoTrade #EndTheJonesAct
RT @CatoInstitute
Lifting Jones Act shipping restrictions would encourage the shipment of fuel to New England and reduce the possibility of an energy shortage this winter. https://bit.ly/3FV6ZWo #CatoTrade #EndTheJonesAct.
RT @CatoTrade
.@cpgrabow: "The Jones Act is unwise, unjust, and it isn’t working. Creating the fairer and more equitable society that progressives seek must include the reform, if not full repeal, of this odious law." https://bit.ly/3rt8cvt
RT @CatoTrade
To encourage the transport of fuel to New England and reduce the possibility of a wintertime calamity, Congress should act to exempt energy shipments from the outdated Jones Act, @cpgrabow writes: https://bit.ly/3PmX3YF
RT @CatoTrade
Do Adam Smith's writings bolster the case for the Jones Act? No, writes @cpgrabow:
"... Smith would view the law as a protectionist relic that imposes a heavy economic burden while undermining the country’s maritime industry and national security." https://bit.ly/3TREYCF
RT @CatoTrade
At a time when New England needs maximum flexibility to reliably meet its energy needs at the lowest possible cost the Jones Act effectively ties one hand behind its back, @cpgrabow writes: https://bit.ly/3ud6ZKJ
RT @David_Boaz
The Progressive Case for #JonesAct Reform https://www.cato.org/study/progressive-case-jones-act-reform?utm_source=social&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Cato%20Social%20Share #EndTheJonesAct via @CatoInstitute