A second wave is just as insignificant as the first and the virus itself, the real issue is the stationary wave of tyrannical rulers and obedient cowards.
#liberty #endthelockdown #endtheshutdown #antilockdown
RT @MuslimIQ@twitter.com
BREAKING: @SpeakerPelosi@twitter.com declines invite to 45 to deliver a State of the Union Jan 29
I guess what she’s saying is 45 is welcome to come to our great House of Representatives, but he should follow the rules like every other President. Totally cool. Totally legal.
RT @SpeakerPelosi@twitter.com
Taking pride in shutting down the government — taking pride in threatening to do so for months or years — is not the behavior of a responsible president. #TrumpShutdown #EndTheShutdown
#trumpshutdown #endtheshutdown