Second Ecuadorian politician killed in less than a week...
coming in addition to several other politicians murdered several weeks ago. #EndTheViolence
As usual, the right wingers project their own situation on everyone else ...
"In reality, the region the Big Apple comprises most of is far and away the safest part of the U.S. mainland when it comes to gun violence, while the regions Florida and Texas belong to have per capita firearm death rates (homicides and suicides) three to four times higher than New York’s. On a regional basis it’s the southern swath of the country — in cities and rural areas alike — where the rate of deadly gun violence is most acute, regions where Republicans have dominated state governments for decades.
Someone living in the most rural counties of South Carolina is more than three times as likely to be killed by gunshot than someone living ... in the impoverished rural counties facing Mexico across the lower reaches of the Rio Grande."
Shocking and heartbreaking news coming out of #Myanmar today. We must condemn this senseless violence and hold those responsible accountable. #PrayForMyanmar #JusticeForTheVictims #EndTheViolence #StandForPeace
#myanmar #prayformyanmar #justiceforthevictims #endtheviolence #standforpeace
Uvalde: AR-15
Buffalo: AR-15
Boulder: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Aurora, CO: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Midland/Odessa: AR-15
Poway synagogue: AR-15
Sutherland Springs: AR-15
Tree of Life Synagogue: AR-15
Colorado Springs: AR-15 #coloradosprings #endtheviolence
#coloradosprings #endtheviolence
None of us are free until all of us are free. Meanwhile the murder of vulnerable minorities continues, even in "safe" spaces 😢❤️✊🕯️ #ClubQ #lgbtqia #EndTheViolence
#clubq #lgbtqia #endtheviolence
This girl was walking in front of me on my way to class. Her patch reads, in Spanish, "You with bullets, me with balls". This is the reality of many women in the border towns of #ElPaso and #CiudadJuarez having to grow up afraid of being the next #muertasdejuarez #endtheviolence #NiUnaMenos
#elpaso #ciudadjuarez #muertasdejuarez #endtheviolence #NiUnaMenos