#ElementCall (https://call.element.io) looks quite interesting..
It's still very much in development but their goal is to offer #EndToEndEncryption by default (it's currently turned off "while [they] test scalability") and it already looks and seems to behave nicely.
Here's their latest development updates:
First announcement (March 2022):
Beta 2 (June 2022):
Beta 3 (July 2023):
#elementcall #endtoendencryption
»#Meta refreshes #promise to roll out default #endtoendencryption in Messenger this yea: Protection for Instagram will come shortly after.« https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/22/23841490/meta-facebook-messenger-instagram-encryption-default?eicker.news #tech #media
#Meta #promise #endtoendencryption #tech #media
[en] Scientists against EU regulation: Hundreds of scientists warn against EU’s proposed CSA Regulation
"... dangerous implications of weakening end-to-end encryption, which is the only tool we have to protect our data in digital spaces."
#csa #csam #csar #chatcontrol #eu #surveillance #cybersecurity #privacy #encryption #e2e #ee #endtoendencryption #goingdark #messenger
#csa #csam #CSAR #chatcontrol #eu #surveillance #cybersecurity #privacy #encryption #e2e #ee #endtoendencryption #goingdark #messenger
Neue #BSI-Chefin: "Es muss eine sichere Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung geben" | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/BSI-Praesidentin-Plattner-Schoenbohms-Schuhe-und-Faesers-Vorhaben-9210334.html #Verschlüsselung #E2EE #EndToEndEncryption #encryption
#bsi #verschlusselung #e2ee #endtoendencryption #encryption
I don’t know whether to read anything into the Open Rights Group’s website being down. There’s been a lot of coverage lately about UK Gov planning to spy on our messages, and ORG’s open letter to them. Thank goodness for archive.org!
#endtoendencryption #privacy #uk #ukgov #onlinesafetybill
#Apple made the bold move and said that they will not comrpmise their #itsecuriry and break #endtoendencryption wven if rhe UK ane EU legally foeces them. Instead they rather not sell their degices there anymore.
#endtoendencryption #itsecuriry #apple
One of the Last Bastions of Digital Privacy Is Under Threat #Signal #EndToEndEncryption #privacy #digitalprivacy https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/13/opinion/encryption-messaging-privacy-signal-whatsapp.html?unlocked_article_code=bCYfmdTyM1U9OLWRox67msPzZ0Yw58hnmIkSXQs-u6Dx_zuXIoeoYu0o3kgxndpS_iD3hVwFHuaaNhKl9Jpi3GWWauA6mlCMe8oej1E4D-j95voIZXr30VbmMy60leArhf3_xCSaIf072I25YpT3EfhIWEJRfpVJ5p2OxtF-HfAQU4ahTT099jLIWsme5Rr9cSz8XdnMVEgOhkqqIqilvao_ZIhto-fssa-VaufKeiF4YlbPdWbJrq22AHVXcRryczixKkcQGVVWunKD2QoLiKgBnkegfgOcsBCeD3sDcOsul_jDwwwEM29g83Wt5dsL5TjHC365hBKqy-TK-09gDD5cCqpaCUK-zwDPEU2qGODlUWWWGHU&smid=url-share
#signal #endtoendencryption #privacy #digitalprivacy
Swedish presidency circulates full rewrite on law against child sexual abuse https://www.euractiv.com/section/law-enforcement/news/swedish-presidency-circulates-full-rewrite-on-law-against-child-sexual-abuse/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #childsexualabusematerial #CSAM #encryption #endtoendencryption
#childsexualabusematerial #csam #encryption #endtoendencryption
An update: The #FEMM chair was among those highlighting the importance of #EndToEndEncryption in ensuring women's rights to access reproductive healthcare are respected.
He just declared amendments defending #EndToEndEncryption as "outside of scope of the committee's work".
#FEMM #endtoendencryption #csam #chatcontrol
Sad that some #FEMM MEPs who vigorously defended #EndToEndEncryption to guarantee women private & safe access to #ReproductiveHealthcare, are now attacking it by supporting #ChatControl (#CSAM reg).
When you break #encryption you break it for everyone.
#FEMM #endtoendencryption #reproductivehealthcare #chatcontrol #csam #encryption
I feel like I have to rant about the #EUCommission's plans to scan everybody's messages by breaking #endtoendencryption.
This EU has been a beacon of hope and democracy for decades. It has in place one of the best data protection laws in the world and yet almost ALL of its leaders want to take away their citizens' right to privacy. The implementation of #Chatcontrol would put the EU's privacy rights on one level with countries such as China, where private messaging is not allowed either. 1/
#eucommission #endtoendencryption #chatcontrol
I want a task management app that shares data between my Mac and iPhone, etc.
Not. One. App. That I can find does this securely. None of them have end-to-end encryption. At least that I can find.
Does anybody know of an app that has end-to-end encryption for its cloud storage? I suppose I wouldn't be able to tell anyway, of course. Sigh.
#basicfuckingsecurity #endtoendencryption #gtd #todolist
Socialist #Spain wants the #EU to #ban all #endtoendencryption
#spain #eu #ban #endtoendencryption
Ban End-to-End Encryption in the EU?
"Leaked Government Document Shows Spain Wants to Ban End-to-End Encryption"
#cybersecurity #ictsecurity #itsecurity #infosec #privacy #security #cryptography #encryption #e2e #ee #endtoendencryption #goingdark #csam #cryptographer #technologist #whatsapp #signal #messenger
#mediahighlights #messenger #signal #whatsapp #technologist #cryptographer #csam #goingdark #endtoendencryption #ee #e2e #encryption #cryptography #security #privacy #infosec #itsecurity #ictsecurity #cybersecurity
Just when i think i can have some peace I hear that the US wants to dismantle #endtoendencryption again by reintroducing the #EarnItAct
Same polititans who asked embarassing questions to TikTok want to put all our communications at risk.
I'm so fed up with the fake "for the children" bs.
#EarnItAct #endtoendencryption
@m4ra @edri TBH, I don't trust any #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider "solution" whatsoever and based off #CloudAct and other regulations #Signal can't be better than #WhatsApp and I'd argue both lie about using "#EndToEndEncryption" because they really don't do it in a working way.
Or as people using #Monero will say it:
"Not your [private] keys, not your data!"
Whereas PGP/MIME and XMPP-OMEMO solve that issue!
#monero #endtoendencryption #WhatsApp #Signal #cloudact #SingleProvider #singlevendor
Mastodon is my go-to place for tech advice (supplemented by personal research), so...
What are #EndToEndEncryption options for cloud storage? I'm starting actually backing up my data locally, but obviously local-only has risks.
Cloud storage makes sense—except for the bit where third-parties now have my data, and it can be stolen or shared with others. So what can I do for (relatively) secure remote storage?
If I'm going to #DeGooglify, I obviously have to get my stuff off Google Drive
#endtoendencryption #degooglify #e2ee
Meta plan to make Facebook messages more secure faces law enforcement backlash - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | Olemedia)
The long-running bat... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1933073 #endtoendencryption #policy #meta
#meta #policy #endtoendencryption
Ars Technica: Meta plan to make Facebook messages more secure faces law enforcement backlash https://arstechnica.com/?p=1933073 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #endtoendencryption #Policy #meta
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #endtoendencryption #policy #meta