Happy to get a couple of #FlyingFeet shots from the weekend at #Endure24 #Running I look a lot happier than I felt
#running #endure24 #flyingfeet
Blistering heat at #Endure24 #BramhamPark meant I packed it in at 17 hours with 55 miles. The first few laps in the sun destroyed me so even the night runs didn't revive me and I had to walk lots with breaks each 5 mile lap. When the sun came up I couldn't face the heat again so left the course.Disappointed I didn't hit my target but know it was the right decision. Raised money for #AlzheimersResearchUk so all good
#alzheimersresearchuk #bramhampark #endure24
Hello friends!
All being well, for the first time in way too long I'll be heading off to Dhanakosa Retreat Centre in Scotland for the Women's Winter retreat in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
It's my birthday on Saturday, and I usually put up a charity fundraiser if folks would like to chip in to something I care about, so this year I would love to get a bit of a head-start on my #Endure24 fundraising campaign for #Breathworks.
Here's the link with more info: https://www.breathworks-mindfulness.org.uk/fundraisers/ruth-endure24
Hello friends!
All being well, for the first time in way too long I'll be heading off to Dhanakosa Retreat Centre in Scotland for the Women's Winter retreat in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
It's my birthday on Saturday, and I usually put up a charity fundraiser if folks would like to chip in to something I care about, so this year I would love to get a bit of a head-start on my #Endure24 fundraising campaign for #Breathworks.
Here's the link with more info: https://www.breathworks-mindfulness.org.uk/fundraisers/ruth-endure24
My first race since the pandemic, and what a race. Epic, Brutal, Relentless. My team of 3 ran 70 miles (112km) in 24hrs. I managed 25 with my gammy knee. #Endure24 #WasingPark #FetchFamily
#endure24 #wasingpark #FetchFamily
Camp is pitched, beer is open, 30° temperatures but we're ready for #endure24 2022
I have a team of 5 entered for #Endure24 #rdguk on 18/19 June. I have two spaces in the team due to deferring from last year. If anyone is looking for a team to join, DM me - let's chat. Pls RT @fetcheveryone@twitter.com @Brackparkrun@twitter.com #RunChatUK
Around about now I should have the tent up and be lighting the BBQ with my first beer open at #Endure24 ☹️ Maybe next year.