RT @GiftofGrief@twitter.com
Community, transformed parents, resilient women, sound baths, no robots for caregiving and building allies for POC patients and caregivers - are all my @endwell endwell18 takeaways. All gifts of grief, of caregiving, of dying well to ending well! Bravo & thank you #endwell18
RT @rocketgirlmd@twitter.com
“Engrave this upon your heart: there isn't anyone you couldn't love once you heard their story.”
-Mary Lou Kownacki
@courtwrites #endwell18
“Taking your last breath, on your own terms” may just be the most wonderful description of what I think a good death is, if there was any way to crystallise it. Thank you @aliciagarza@twitter.com #EndWell18
Bit of a tension here. Japan has a different perspective on this: older generation (often) prefer them as it allows them to remain autonomous, at home without being a burden on family. It’s not a binary choice I think #EndWell18
“Kai fu, can robots take over for nursing... no. We should train more people in jobs of compassion. Robots don’t have the capabilities and users don’t want them.”
- Kai Fu, lead…
US needs 2.3 million healthcare workers. We’ll need more people to care for people. Those jobs are growing, but tractor drivers are paid more than carers. We need to reconfigure our society to make care better paid, and of higher value #EndWell18
“The future is no bleak where AI takes all the jobs.” We just need to understand what it can do @kaifulee@twitter.com #EndWell18
RT @CKing_Solutions@twitter.com
Agency and control are important factors to feel ownership and investment in an experience. #endwell18
Ah, this classic: We consistently remember the peak experience (good or bad) and the last experience. #EndWell18
Doing things in the open, transparently, like Boston marking its unfinished/finished potholes, increases trust in Government. #EndWell18
RT @nancyf@twitter.com
Experimental results show VR “aging” increases personal savings or other empathic behavior over role playing, etc RT @ivorinfo@twitter.com: Whoa. “What would happen if you met your future self? And how would you plan for that person?” @StanfordVR #EndWell18
Whoa. “What would happen if you met your future self? And how would you plan for that person?” @StanfordVR@twitter.com #EndWell18
RT @iamEvaFrye@twitter.com
We are rapidly losing our sense of commonality in this country. Grief cuts through all that. In grief, all of our differences are lost. And we are not alone in our grief. @RebeccaSoffer #EndWell18 @ModernLoss
RT @domicone@twitter.com
In a world that’s rapidly losing all sense of commonality, grief and loss unite us - @ModernLoss@twitter.com creator @RebeccaSoffer@twitter.com #EndWell18
RT @BartWindrum@twitter.com
For those delving into linguistics, Windrum's Matrix of Dying Terms (a work of citizen thanatology) introduces 17 names for every dying situation ahead of (and behind) us, expressing the whole as our Dying Territory. #EndWell18
“I might have lost my parents, but I found my people” loss is so much of who we are as a society, to hear it presented as a real, powerful, positive force is so good. #endwell18
RT @JeremyPivor@twitter.com
Orchestrating beautiful death stories: Invite, Saturate, Empower, Prepare, Heal -Jessica Hanson. When this video comes out on the @endwellSF website, watch it. #EndWell18 #hpm #MedEd #eol #palliativecare #Pediatrics
#endwell18 #eol #palliativecare #meded #hpm #pediatrics
Speechless from Jessica Hanson’s talk about the death of her son. Simply flowing with love. #EndWell18
RT @iamEvaFrye@twitter.com
People are more likely to believe things if they sound poetic & familiar. Same thing said 2 diff ways, people are more likely to believe the poetic one to be true. Alliteration, rhyme. Our words matter. @IraByock @operativewords #endwell18
RT @endwellSF@twitter.com
“Institutionally, we use language that restricts what is possible. If we draw on normative language, we can help it can provide a more expanse, inviting context to allow that person to have a positive [end of life] experience” Well said @operativewords w/@IraByock. #EndWell18