A veces el creador de #OnePiece juega con varias ideas, y decidió recrear a #Nami con el poder de la Fruta Goro Goro de #Enel :3. https://bit.ly/41LmBnJ
#Enel might be at a crossroads. If PM @GiorgiaMeloni is serious about turning Italy🇮🇹 into a gas hub, its lead utility may become more focused on that than a prior objective to compete w other green firms inc Spain’s Iberdrola for global renewable projects https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/italys-green-star-has-new-uncertain-trajectory-2023-04-13/
Le nomine si trasformano in suk. #Meloni cede #Enel a #Salvini e Letta
Anche con il nuovo governo di destra la partita delle partecipate di stato è diventata una guerra tra bande #Donnarumma sacrificato, #Cattaneo è il nuovo ad del colosso elettrico. #Zafarana sarà presidente dell’Eni
12-4-2023 20:22 #Domani https://www.editorialedomani.it https://www.editorialedomani.it/economia/le-nomine-si-trasformano-in-suk-meloni-cede-enel-a-salvini-e-letta-lvyktivw
#meloni #enel #salvini #donnarumma #cattaneo #zafarana #domani
#Enel erhöht Dividende trotz Gewinnrückgang leicht
MERCADOS| Grupo #Enel firma memorándums para apoyar la #digitalizacion del sector de la distribución eléctrica en la India
Anyone using #ENEL X way app for electric car charging? My app doesn't start up anymore.
Nutzt noch jemand die #ENEL App zum Autoladen fürs #Elektroauto? Seit 3 Tagen kann man die V4.3.33 mit Android nicht mehr öffnen. Damit droht auch das Guthaben zu verfallen.
Die Antwort des Kundendienstes ist absurd. Nach Schilderung, dass die App nicht startet, erklären sie mir wie man das PW ändert. Dabei kommt man gar nicht erst bis zur Eingabe.
[La Tribune] - #Enel va construire « la plus grande usine de panneaux solaires d'Europe » en #Sicile.
L’électricien italien Enel va investir 600 millions d’euros pour agrandir l'usine de 3Sun et multiplier par 15 sa capacité de production de panneaux solaires. Objectif : avec 3GW d'ici à 2025, cette gigafactory italienne sera numéro un en Europe. Alors que la Chine produit 80% des #PanneauxSolaires dans le monde [...]
#enel #sicile #panneauxsolaires #criseenergetique #energiesrenouvelables
BRAGA| #Enel #Chile es incluida por segundo año consecutivo en el Índice de #IgualdaddeGénero de #Bloomberg
#bloomberg #igualdaddegenero #chile #enel
MERCADOS| #Enel Green Power bate nuevos récords en 2022 en capacidad #renovable construida y en construcción, energía generada y proyectos desarrollados en todo el mundo
RT @FranFerrante
Il #Sulcis del #carbone a Carbonia (😳) dice no all’#eolico di #Enel, ma anche al #fotovoltaico. Viva!
Poi la stessa Unione Sarda (per il carbone) rilancia allarme di #Coldiretti per #ClimateCrisis
Le coerenze
#sulcis #carbone #eolico #enel #fotovoltaico #coldiretti #ClimateCrisis
BRESCIA: CONTRO I DISTACCHI DELLE UTENZE “DIRITTI PER TUTTI” OCCUPA L’ENEL. APPELLO A RAGGIUNGERE VIA CASSALA, 13. https://www.radiondadurto.org/2022/12/21/brescia-contro-i-distacchi-delle-utenze-diritti-per-tutti-occupa-lenel-appello-a-raggiungere-via-cassala-13/ #dirittipertutti #SCELTA_LOCALI #INEVIDENZA #distacchi #bollette #brescia #LOCALI #enel
#enel #locali #brescia #bollette #distacchi #inevidenza #scelta_locali #dirittipertutti
#draghy e #cingolani non s'erano accorti, poverini...
RT @alda7069@twitter.com
Gli avvoltoi hanno pazienza.
Quando è il momento, però, fanno a brandelli quelli già a terra.
Bello il #liberismo. Bello.
(Le aziende sono #Enel, #Eni, #Hera, #A2A, #Edison, #Acea e #Engie.)
#Italia #CrisiEnergetica
(Fonte: "Messaggero Veneto.)
#crisienergetica #italia #engie #acea #edison #a2a #hera #eni #enel #liberismo #Cingolani #draghy
Governments in the #EU are asking citizens to consume less gas amid the #UkraineWar
I also saw the #CEO of #Enel asking people to heat homes using electricity so that gas is available for production in industries.
Maybe these are fair arguments, but why are companies then asking employees to come to work and heat up entire office buildings when #workfromhome is a viable and proven option.
All sacrifices are only needed from #common people for the "development" of the world.
#eu #UkraineWar #ceo #enel #workfromhome #common
Is that #eminem in #onepiece #enel #thundergod
#eminem #onepiece #enel #thundergod
RT @redtrooper_@twitter.com
Feral sketches I did in my IG story, because I’ve rewatched Skypeia & my Enel phase has returned. ✍️😌
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/redtrooper_/status/1529270948276637696