It is unfortunate that our local government and energy provider chose #EnelX to partner with for #EV charging infrastructure. The #EnelXWay products and apps are terrible and their customer service is worse and it’s going to be a poor experience to often first time EV owners. But as much as I want to advocate for #ElectricVehicles EnelX seems like it is designed by the fossil fuel industry to make the EV experience as #painful as possible.
#painful #ElectricVehicles #enelxway #ev #enelx
Not sure whether this is the #EnelX #JuiceBox or the #Porsche #Taycan that causes these very short sessions after the main one has finished.
The Porsche preferences were ignored (set to start at 9:30pm, stop at 85% - it started at 9:15, when the JuiceBox allows it, and ended at 100%). I suspect the 45kWh was to 80%, the rest was getting it to 100%, in small bursts (longest was just over an hour).
#enelx #juicebox #porsche #taycan