Starting sharing about #TTRPG #RPGaDay late - but still time to catch up.
1 - First game I played this year was my own hack of #BladesInTheDark set in the #WFRP #WarhammerFantasyRoleplay setting.
We started playing the #EnemyWithin campaign.
I really like how the #ForgedInTheDark system works together with the setting and the campaign.
Here's a #playbook as well
#playbook #forgedinthedark #enemywithin #warhammerfantasyroleplay #wfrp #bladesinthedark #RPGaDAY #ttrpg
From @voyagemedis #IAmEcho a Trailer to a new series #EnemyWithin. Check it out now and subscribe to catch each episode đź’ś
We lost the teens in the sewers. We killed an elfin purple hand cultist who tried to ambush us. I tried to get him to talk, but he was too crazed so we put him down.
Decided it was high time we got out of Ăśbersreik. We are not ready to tackle a cult this large and powerful. Our elf wants us to head to the Great Forest.
#ttrpg #WFRP #warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #somethingrotteninubersreik #stupidteens
Now we are chasing teens in the sewers. This’ll be great.
#ttrpg #WFRP #warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #somethingrotteninubersreik #stupidteens
We are staked out at the Clean Street Orphanage, hoping to catch cultists this full moon.
#TTRPG #WFRP #WarhammerFantasyRpg #EnemyWithin #SomethingRottenInĂśbersreik
#ttrpg #WFRP #warhammerfantasyrpg #enemywithin #somethingrotteninubersreik
We managed to escape with minimal injury. Except our Elf Noble who got a pretty nasty crossbow bolt to the arm. We broke out the back corner roof of the barracks. Okay, except the giant slayer who went out the front door. After a little hammering. He took out one of the crossbow men waiting.
The other guards woke up and started helping, so the attackers ran.
Now we are politely told by the captain to get out of town.
#TTRPG #WarhammerFRP #WFRP #EnemyWithin #ChaosCultists #ActualPlay
#ttrpg #warhammerfrp #WFRP #enemywithin #chaoscultists #actualplay
Our only lead got killed in front of us by a priest and two Altdorf guards.
Bishop Matthew is almost certainly the head of a chaos cult.
Now the other guards are trying to burn us in the barracks while we sleep.
This could be a short campaign.
#TTRPG #WarhammerFRP #WFRP #EnemyWithin #ChaosCultists #ActualPlay
#ttrpg #warhammerfrp #WFRP #enemywithin #chaoscultists #actualplay
My in person Warhammer fantasy rpg game meets again tonight, after a month off. Will we remember anything about our ongoing investigation into the disappearing orphans?
#ttrpg #WFRP #warhammerrpg #enemywithin
Highlight of last night’s Warhammer FRP session. A nine year old orphan boy approached us and let us know others have been going missing at night. I asked if he had any weapons, and when he said “no” I gave him my dagger and told them to rotate watches at night.
We also started pulling double shifts to patrol the area, and stationed our Dwarf in the basement and our Halfling on the roof.
No sign of intruders yet.
#ttrpg #warhammerfrp #WFRP #enemywithin #armedorphans
@grammasaurus @breadandcircuses @kim_harding
Maybe it's why 9/11 was never investigated and all evidences were promptly removed. Just saying #enemywithin
The Sergeant took a few nasty hits, but Xander slammed the troll in the chest and knocked him off the bridge.
The twins tried to escape and we had to put them down.
Sergeant gave us a bottle of rum for a reward when we got back. Plus a day off.
#ttrpg #WFRP #WarhammerFantasy #enemywithin
We lowered Xander the Dwarf over the side of a bridge to inspect the supports. He got punched hard by a troll.
Time for him to live up to his Troll Slaying oath.
#ttrpg #WFRP #WarhammerFantasy #enemywithin
We saw a cutpurse stealing from a woman. Between the halfling’s crossbow and the dwarf’s shoulder check into his already wounded shoulder he didn’t survive the experience.
I tried to tell him to surrender.
#ttrpg #WFRP #WarhammerFantasy #enemywithin
We got arrested. And charged with a variety of crimes, including inciting a riot, assaulting a guard, witchcraft, and murder. We only actually did one of those things.
But somehow we got a lawyer.
Oof. The outlaw’s friend attacked me and I’m down to one wound.
Halfling backs up and shoots her crossbow, knocking the wind out of another one.
Spent several minutes trying not to get hit in this mob. Still have no idea what’s going on. Almost made it to the edge
Oh, there’s some ruffians attacking a woman over there. A Halfling woman is trying to help them. I rushed in and smacked a brigand in the head with my sword.
Bought a nice glass dove, went to listen to music but a fight broke out. Gonna duck for cover and see if anyone is badly wounded.
At the market in Ubersreik, looking for some kolaches. Found some, wandering into a glass shop.
The adventure begins.
Starting our Warhammer FRP campaign tonight. We got a lot of interested people so I think we have eight players lined up, which will be a challenge.
I’m playing Jaroslav the Barber, adventurer physician.
We also have a Halfling Bounty Hunter, an Elf Noble, an Elf Wizard’s Apprentice, an Apprentice Ice Witch, and a Dwarven Troll Slayer. Plus two more to be rolled up.
Should be fun and interesting.
Oh, my friend is printing me a miniature.
Part Four of Postworldgames’s Blood Warrens (by jim pinto) is out.
This one is about a pair of cultists performing vile rituals in the poor ward. While part of a series, you can easily drop this into any fantasy city.
Feels a lot like it would fit in the Enemy Within campaign.
It’s cheap. Give an indie designer a boost.
#trrpg #osr #DnD #opendnd #enemywithin #warhammerfrp