Énergies renouvelables : bon premier semestre 2023 pour le photovoltaïque et le biométhane injecté 🗓️♻️☀️
#énergies #énergiesrenouvelables #renouvelable #semestre #photovoltaïque #biométhaneinjecté #durable
#energies #energiesrenouvelables #renouvelable #semestre #photovoltaique #biomethaneinjecte #durable
@vega @mascottus @Swiss_Pepita
Encore un spécialiste du #nucléaire de salon...
« Ya qu'en France que le nuke a une telle importance ds le mix. »
Et grâce à ça on parmi les plus bas taux de #CO2 émis par kWh #électrique produit en Europe.
En #Allemagne, le modèle de tous les ventilocrates, qui se vend comme le champion des #énergies "vertes", le kWh électrique émet 6 à 10 fois plus de #CO2 qu'en #France.
#france #energies #allemagne #electrique #co2 #nucleaire
Mouah ha ha Le Gorafi a encore sorti une de ces #punchlines dont il a le secret ! !
Euh, quoi ! ?
Attendez un peu …
Norvège : le plus grand parc #éolien flottant mondial alimentera des #plateformes #pétrolières et #gazières | Euronews
> Le géant #pétrolier #Equinor est à l'origine du projet, mais les #énergies renouvelables ne représentent encore qu'une infime partie de sa production totale d' #énergie.
#notgorafi #energie #energies #equinor #petrolier #gazieres #petrolieres #plateformes #eolien #punchlines
J'entends : le problème de la #démographie , de la #liberté , de l' #expressionIndividuelle sur un fond d'abondance des #Énergies qui nous dégage de la responsabilité de force physique, tant les machines le font pour nous.
#demographie #Liberte #expressionindividuelle #energies
2/2 Depuis des années, le système par subventions est inefficace. Il est urgent d’adopter une nouvelle méthode, celle des prêts sans conditions de ressources.
#rapportpisaniferry #passoiresthermiques #energies
#Caen #Manif6juin 8/z
1/ dessin sur du carton
Macron en empereur star wars dit Exécuter l'ordre 49.3
2/ pancarte carton
La légitimité vient de la pleine adhésion, pas de la coercition
3/ banderole #energies
Attention votre facture de #gaz va augmenter le 1er juillet 2023
Empêchons la fin des tarifs réglementés de vente du gaz
signez vite la pétition sur change.org
#caen #manif6juin #energies #gaz
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
#How The #United_States Is #Exporting #Obesity | AJ+ | #Obesity_rates are #soaring across the #globe. We look into the spread of #fast_fats and #fast_food in #Asia, #Africa and #South_America, and which #corporations are #profiting. (Hint: It's not just #McDonald's and #KFC.)
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
Upon launch all will be notified.
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)
https://Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News);
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health #HOW #united_states #exporting #obesity #Obesity_rates #Soaring #globe #fast_fats #Fast_food #asia #Africa #South_America #corporations #profiting #McDonald #kfc #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
#How The #United_States Is #Exporting #Obesity | AJ+ | #Obesity_rates are #soaring across the #globe. We look into the spread of #fast_fats and #fast_food in #Asia, #Africa and #South_America, and which #corporations are #profiting. (Hint: It's not just #McDonald's and #KFC.)
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
Upon launch all will be notified.
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)
https://Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News);
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health #HOW #united_states #exporting #obesity #Obesity_rates #Soaring #globe #fast_fats #Fast_food #asia #Africa #South_America #corporations #profiting #McDonald #kfc #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
#How The #United_States Is #Exporting #Obesity | AJ+ | #Obesity_rates are #soaring across the #globe. We look into the spread of #fast_fats and #fast_food in #Asia, #Africa and #South_America, and which #corporations are #profiting. (Hint: It's not just #McDonald's and #KFC.)
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
Upon launch all will be notified.
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)
https://Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News);
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health #HOW #united_states #exporting #obesity #Obesity_rates #Soaring #globe #fast_fats #Fast_food #asia #Africa #South_America #corporations #profiting #McDonald #kfc #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
La #Russie a préparé des mois à l’avance l’invasion de l’Ukraine en limitant ses exportations de gaz vers l’Europe - Transitions & #Energies
>De façon délibérée, la Russie a commencé dès l’année 2021 à réduire ses exportations de #gaz vers l’Europe […] C’est ce que démontre une étude récente de l’Observatoire de la sécurité des flux et des matières énergétiques réalisée notamment par les équipes de l’IRIS (Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques). […]
La #Russie a préparé des mois à l’avance l’invasion de l’Ukraine en limitant ses exportations de gaz vers l’Europe - Transitions & #Energies
>De façon délibérée, la Russie a commencé dès l’année 2021 à réduire ses exportations de #gaz vers l’Europe […] C’est ce que démontre une étude récente de l’Observatoire de la sécurité des flux et des matières énergétiques réalisée notamment par les équipes de l’IRIS (Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques). […]
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
Disclaimer: TastingTraffic and/or its owners are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
Disclaimer: TastingTraffic and/or its owners are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
Disclaimer: TastingTraffic and/or its owners are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
Disclaimer: TastingTraffic and/or its owners are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
Disclaimer: TastingTraffic and/or its owners are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health
Welcome to #TUBraunschweig! 🤗 Artem Korobenko is visiting professor of the Institute of Structural Analysis as a research fellow @HumboldtStiftung. The scientist of the University of #Calgary does research on computational modelling with applications in #aerospace & renewable #energies.
👉 https://lnk.tu-bs.de/Rz5atb
#tubraunschweig #calgary #aerospace #energies #energy #energytransition #engineering
Happy Hanuman Jayanti! ✨💫🌞✨
High vibration love and positive energies to everybody! ♥️🔥
What do you most deeply love? What are you aligned with? Who are your allies?
May your mind be happy and strong! 🥰🥰♦️🔶💎🌲✨
#HanumanJayanti #Hanuman #HappyHanumanJayanti #HanumanJayanti2023 #Love #HappySpirit #Energies #JaiHanuman #JaiSitaRam #OmNamahShivaya
#OmNamahShivaya #jaisitaram #JaiHanuman #energies #happyspirit #love #hanumanjayanti2023 #HappyHanumanJayanti #hanuman #hanumanjayanti
Welcome to #TUBraunschweig! 🤗 Artem Korobenko is visiting professor of the Institute of Structural Analysis as a research fellow @HumboldtStiftung. The scientist of the University of #Calgary does research on computational modelling with applications in #aerospace & renewable #energies.
👉 https://lnk.tu-bs.de/Rz5atb
#tubraunschweig #calgary #aerospace #energies #energy #energytransition #engineering
A lire📰Une tribune que nous avons publiée dans @lemondefr@twitter.com avec plusieurs élu·e·s écologistes face au manque d’envergure de la loi d’accélération des #énergies renouvelables, une occasion manquée pour amorcer une véritable transition #énergétique