‘Our Country Is Going to Hell’ — Trump Warns of US Losing Global Currency Dominance - The 45th president and previous White House occupant, Donald Trump cautions that A... - https://news.bitcoin.com/our-country-is-going-to-hell-trump-warns-of-us-losing-global-currency-dominance/ #thirdworldcomparison #countryhelltrump #globaldominance #administration #infrastructure #investigations #2024election #unitedstates #donaldtrump #energycosts #foxbusiness #larrykudlow #whitehouse #economics #u.s.
#u #economics #whitehouse #larrykudlow #foxbusiness #energycosts #donaldtrump #unitedstates #2024election #investigations #infrastructure #administration #globaldominance #countryhelltrump #thirdworldcomparison
Guess Who’s Been Paying to Block Green Energy. You Have. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/05/opinion/utility-bills-clean-energy.html?unlocked_article_code=2-7xRibpfkrJu4tcESUMr3rycvRdgkJRMAblX9yDCKT9qqqzSU3lk04Tf3bT3IUALqsmHdk7tF3hwq9c6p8G0EcGKUVrlecgCBco12N4QOxtQApT_iuSBKt-LD6t3DbbIGxy_LUJ7jWGxOX0e0K86lVLDaXwOkzzuvX6CB17HCssIajLMq-XG4ZU0tJmv8pG9H6QT2GY049MaEP7AiwlT2G0ktNoUkBKpLn5oBaLg9rxXgox3u8r45Zq2lsw_dSO-eLHcvj7LXHN9ZXMhy0YiYltrWBsSYVOma46mkyxtYqND5Ju7VAvyaybqfiqbN53T6G-tXLnkyDA5U0EYuzbiKr9GQ&smid=url-share #ClimateChange #AirPollution #UtilityBills #EnergyCosts #Renewables
#ClimateChange #airpollution #UtilityBills #energycosts #renewables
Preparing for Grid Down! https://www.allforgardening.com/496476/preparing-for-grid-down/
#Becomingselfsustainable #becomingself-sufficient #Energycosts #Extremeenergycosts #Goingsolar #griddown #Installingsolar #selfsustainable #self-sufficient #VegetableGardening
#becomingselfsustainable #becomingself #energycosts #extremeenergycosts #goingsolar #griddown #installingsolar #selfsustainable #self #vegetablegardening
Preparing for Grid Down! https://www.diningandcooking.com/786884/preparing-for-grid-down/
#Becomingselfsufficient #Becomingselfsustainable #Energycosts #Extremeenergycosts #Goingsolar #Griddown #Installingsolar #selfsufficient #selfsustainable #VegetableGarden #VegetableGardenVideos #VegetableGardening #VegetableGardeningVideos
#becomingselfsufficient #becomingselfsustainable #energycosts #extremeenergycosts #goingsolar #griddown #installingsolar #selfsufficient #selfsustainable #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardenvideos #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardeningvideos
Add your name on @organisehq #DisabilityRights #EnergyCosts #FairPolicies https://the.organise.network/campaigns/network-cost-off-living-help-for-family-s-with-disability-dfe8e24e8c300a4e?utm_campaign=Mi4m5EPKSZ&utm_medium
#fairpolicies #energycosts #disabilityrights
Cost of living help for families with disabilities petition add your name on @organisehq
#CostOfLivingCrisis https://tinyurl.com/2cbjq3ml
#disabilityrights #energycosts #fairpolicies #disability #costofliving #Costoflivingcrisis
RT @gerardreid14
The cost of the #energy crisis in #Europe in terms of government funds allocated to shielding the extreme #energycosts from customers caused by the #ukrainerussia crisis range from over 9% of GDP for #Slovakia to 1% for #Cyprus...Crazy!
#cyprus #slovakia #UkraineRussia #energycosts #Europe #Energy
Energy costs remain a huge threat to hospitality http://beernews.grumpyoldtechie.com/?read=https%3A%2F%2Fbeertoday.co.uk%2F2023%2F03%2F07%2Fenergy%2Dhospitality%2D0323%2F #energycosts
#RenewableEnergy projects put on hold as #energycosts soar
#greennewdeal #energycosts #renewableenergy
Detailed picture of salad veg shortage from a UK supplier. Unusual weather; and subsequent supermarkets, govt and Brexshit role that resulted in empty shelves in the UK but not in the EU.
#greedysupermarkets #gtto #brexit #energycosts
Referenced link: https://techxplore.com/news/2023-02-strategy-slash-energy-fluid.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://techxplore.com/news/2023-02-strategy-slash-energy-fluid.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/TechXplore_com/status/1627685653977698304#m
RT by @physorg_com: New pumping strategy could slash #energycosts of #fluidtransport by 22% @oistedu @SciReports https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-28519-x https://techxplore.com/news/2023-02-strategy-slash-energy-fluid.html
Oil and gas company BP has announced £23BN IN PROFITS - the highest in their history - while most of us struggle to afford our energy bills.
At the same time they're scaling back on their climate goals. BP are making huge profits by destroying our planet. Read this article and try not to be fuming! https://www.thecanary.co/trending/2023/02/07/vigils-and-rage-brits-react-to-hike-in-energy-prices-amid-sky-high-corporate-profits/ #TheyreLaughingAtUs #Corruption #FossilFuelGiants #BP #Shell #EnergyCosts #CostOfGreedCrisis #CostOfLivingCrisis
#theyrelaughingatus #corruption #fossilfuelgiants #bp #shell #energycosts #costofgreedcrisis #costoflivingcrisis
will you be making #granny do jumping jacks to keep #warm?
will you be wrapping in a #blanket?
will you use a #torch to read by in a #dark room
will you be #sleeping at 8 pm instead of watching #tv or using #electronic gadgets
#torch #sleeping #tv #electronic #energybills #energyprices #granny #warm #blanket #dark #energycosts #energycrisis
What are you doing to cope with looming #energybills?
If other, explain below.
#energybills #energycosts #energyprices #energycrisis
#energybills #energycosts #energyprices #energycrisis
#QT Parliament And Spud Dutton keeps banging on about #energycosts like it’s the fault of #Labor. #auspol Ignoring global pressures #Ukraine, 9+ years of coal coal and coal & being asleep at the wheel
#qt #energycosts #labor #auspol #ukraine
Truss commissioned Skidmore report:
“There have been some suggestions that the path to #NetZero increased household #EnergyCosts or the UK’s vulnerability to the kind of dramatic shock seen in Ukraine. The evidence does not support either assertion."
Crisis grows
Burden of costs
Grips European homes
Painful woes
#energycrisis #europe #energycosts #cinquain #poetry
#europe #cinquain #poetry #energycrisis #energycosts
Which is going to cost da gooses more this week:- the builders bill or the cost of repeated boiling of the kettle to make the builders umpteen cups of tea? Answers on a teabag. #energyCosts